Chapter Two

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Red Diamond Pov

W-where am I? It's dark here...wait! WHAT IS THAT!! Bright glowing light?! Three very big Before I know it I'm just.. standing there in front of the three ladies. I decide to introduce myself. "Well hello there fellow giant women I am..well I don't know who I am yet but I'm here now and there is no going back because I don't even know where back is but uh hello" I ramble on. The yellow one begins laughing. "Wow she's going to be an interesting Diamond to be around" She says with a smile. I tilt my head in confusion. "Oh yes Starbright you are now going to be known as Red Diamond..You are here on Homeworld and I am White Diamond." The really tall and bright one says. "Yes and I am Blue Diamond though I might not be here to often I'll still be around here to help" The Blue one says with a happy face. "I am Yellow Diamond and well I am the leader of plenty of Colony's and one day you'll get your own" The yellow lady says. 'well at least I know their names but what in the cluster is a Colony???' "Nice to meet you guys I am excited to be here...and might I just add that you guys are extremely tall..when I came out of the ground I was NOT expecting such height" I say as I was shorter than them. (About Pinks height) "Well I must get going I'll have to come back more often" Yellow says with a serious face. "I too must get going but I truly do hope to see you again soon Red" Blue says as she and Yellow collect their Pearl's then leave. "Come on Red let me take you to the Palace" White says as she motions for me to come along. I quickly go over to her then I trip but I don't fall. White giggles at me and I do the same. She begins to walk and then I noticed. They all walk with such grace and I'm just tripping over everything. I then straighten my posture and start walking like her...but the problem is that she walks so fast. So I then speed up and I hear her chuckle. "Do you want me to slow down?" White questions as she stops walking. I nod. "Yes please because your walking so fasssttttt" I drag out the fast. She then slows down and soon enough we get to the Palace. "I'll have your Pearl show you to your courters because I have work to do and feel free to explore after you find your courters" She says as she starts walking away and a Red Pearl comes over to me and smiles sweetly. "Hello my diamond it is very lovely to meet you" Pearl says to me then does the diamond salute and I grin. "Nice to meet you too and please just call me Red" I say to her and she nods. "I can do that...please follow me this way my- Red" Pearl says and begins walking away. I begin following her to my courters. I eventually see big red door but then I notice a pink door on the other side but I decide to leave it alone for now. "This is your room my dia- I mean Red" She says as she does the diamond salute and stands next to the door. I smile "Thank you for bringing me here" I say as I open the door and go in. "Woahhh this place is beautiful" I say as I walk around and look at everything. (You can imagine what it looks like) "I am glad you like it Red" White says as she comes out of nowhere. I shriek as she just scared me. "What happened to doing work?" I joke. She then smiles. "How about I show you all around the palace myself?" White offers and I smile. "I would very much so enjoy that White" I say and just like that we're exploring the Palace. 'I think I'm gonna like it here' I think to myself

A/N Whew second chapter done already? There might be some errors because it late and I'm tired but I was bored so I made another chapter let's see if people actually like this book like my other book lol😂 I hope everyone has a nice day or night or whatevs 😜

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