Chapter Ten

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Red Diamond Pov

I'm my room talking with Pearl. "Don't you think that's a little crazy..?" She says and I shake my head no. "No! I'm telling you White lied to me because I heard her talking to the other Diamonds about her!" I exclaim frustrated that no one believes me. "But..Black Diamond? I've only heard of her in made up stories.. she's a myth" Pearl says and I'm about to say something else but someone sent me a message on my device. "Hold on a sec Pearl" I say as I walk over to my desk. I accepted the message then the screen glitched slightly. After I heard laughter. "Well well well...I didn't think you would actually accept it" A gem says but I can't see her. I have a feeling I know who she is though. "A-are you Black Diamond..?" I ask, my voice trembling slightly. "Why yes I am...and you must be Red? I knew that they created another but I thought she was well that's beside the need to tell the other Diamonds that all of you will come speak with me...or else" She finishes and at that the call ended. I swallow hard and look over at Pearl who looks horrified. "W-what do we do?" She asks me and I leave my desk and walk over to her. "We tell White, Blue, and Yellow! They need to know c'mon!" I say with panic in my voice as I grab her hand and dart to the throne room. There I see the other Diamonds already speaking. "Well we can't inform her about this!" Yellow says with a worried but angry look on her face. "But Yellow we shouldn't lie to her about it" Blue says back with a look of distress. "We need to keep her safe! That's our main priority!" White says loudly as she turns to leave. "What are you guys talking about?" I ask confused. "Uh.. nothing Starbright everything is fine what's the matter?" White spoke. "Black Diamond contacted me and she said that we will come speak with her or else!" I said as I got back on to topic. Blue and Yellow immediately turned to face me with horror written all over their faces and White looked like she was going to have gem attack! "What do we do White?" Yellow questions as we all look at White. "I suppose we have no choice but to talk to her..." She says with fear in her eyes. My lip trembles. I don't even know what my gem powers are! If she tries to attack I'm helpless...the Diamonds can't always tend to my every need so I need to train myself. I look up at them and see them whispering to each other. I look at Pearl then back to them and say loudly. "I need to train! If she tries to attack then I need to be ready!" They all look at me with different expressions. Yellow looks proud of me. Blue looks scared for me. Pearl looks like she's gonna faint. White...I can't really read her facial expression. They all stand there looking at me. I clear my throat. "So uh... who will be my trainer...." I ask nervously and Yellow steps up. "I'll help you with training" She says and she looks at me. "Really? Okay wow uh didn't expect to actually be able to! When do we start?" I ask her trying to stay serious. "Ten minutes meet me on the training grounds" She says as she walks out the room. Blue follows behind her and that left me, Pearl, and White. "Uh Pearl? Can you give us a minute?" I ask and she nods then leaves the room. "White..? Are you okay?" I ask her but she looks like she's in her own world. I wonder how she's feeling inside. Just as I say that I feel like I'm being overwhelmed by emotions. I feel like crying but I also feel like yelling at someone. I don't know what's going on and I grab my head with both hands. There are voices going all over in my head! I just want them to stop!! And like that I'm back to normal. I lower my hands slightly shaken up. I don't know what just happened..I look back up at White and see that she mumbling to herself. "White..? White tell me what's wrong?" I ask and she suddenly stops and looks at me. I feel tears go down my face but I don't know why. I wipe them then look back up at wipe and see her looking away from me. "Starbright..go back and play with your Pearl.." She says with a trembling voice. I enhance my size and I walk over to her. I go in front of her and wrap my arms around her. She stiffens up then realizes what I'm doing and slowly does the same. "What's wrong White..?" I ask her still hugging her. "I just...feel overwhelmed by Black and your training...I don't want get hurt" She says as she squeezes a little tighter. "I won't get hurt I swear...nobody will because we'll protect them" I say as I release my grip. She nods and also lets me go. " wouldn't want to be late for training with Yellow" She says with a short chuckle. "Yeah I've never seen Yellow mad yet and I don't wanna start now..Bye White" I say with a giggle as I go back to my normal height and start running out. "Goodbye Starbright" I heard her say as I leave.

A/N What's good I hope you enjoyed this chapter it was a little rushed so don't mind any errors or anything! Peace✌️

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