chapter nine

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dear cass,
stop making me cry with all the larry edits and stuff on duplicity thanks.
yours sincerely, lauren

also! because i forgot last time🙄 this chapter is also dedicated to emohands


TW// talks of alcohol addictions, EDs, suicide and self harm.

this may or may not be a heavy chapter:/


his phone rang and rang until he finally picked it up, the bright light beaming on him. 3:39 am the time read, liams contact showing up on whether or not to answer.

after what happened on the plane, he very quickly answered the boy.

"hello?" he tired voice managed to get out.

"herayyy" the voice ok the other end slurred "i- 'm
looost and 'm-"

"are you drunk again?" he sat up in his childhood bed getting more worried by the second.

"i- no drin... 'esterd'y 'nd 'eeded to l'e goo"

"fuck liam where are you?" he jumped out of bed pulling some joggers and a shirt on before walking into the main area of his house.

gemma was sat in the living room sipping tea, most likely no able to sleep. " 'he sig... says 'the yarnfei-d pub' "

"yarnfeild? christ how did you end up forty minutes away from your house?"

liam hiccuped "busses"

"stay where you are. i will be there in thirty minutes" with that he sighed but liam had already hung up on him.

gemma gave him an odd look "you can take my car if needed, keys are by the front door"

"youre letting be use your car?" he seemed wary of the offer. his sister sighed "you sounded worried baby bro, just take it"

"thanks" he hugged her before running out and starting the car.

how did he end up there for christ sakes? forty minutes away from his house? it been two days since weve been back home...

he needs help.

harry found the drive to yarnfeild quite nice. it was quieting and comforting, being able to drive with his own mind- well being able to clear his mind is nice.

although as much as it was comforting he still had the worried feeling on him like a blanket about his friend.

where is he?

he looked around areas near the pub until he saw the outline of his shadow in the tinted window. looking into the rear view mirror he saw how much of a mess he was but he didnt care at this point.

"listen mate i know who you are! and im so happy you chose this pub to drink at but you have had way too much to drink im sorry" the bartender spoke.

harrys eyes darting to exactly where he heard the voice. "c'mon! 'ne more yeah?"

"im sorry, you could get into serious trouble"

the curly one stepped in before things got bad. "liam" he called, the sitting boy spun around in his chair

" 'arrehhh!" the bandmate slurred stumbling over to him from the bar. " 'ou madeee it"

"christ li, lets get you home" he sighed wrapping his arms around liam, hopefully no one would take pictures of this. "thanks for taking care of him!"

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