chapter one

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the curly haired lad bolted up from his sleep im a panic. his breathing heavy, forehead sweaty.

not again he thought.

the time read 5:54 am on his phone. the screen had lit up the hotel room he was in. the bed made for two people only had one in it.

no matter how hard he tried, he couldnt fall back a sleep. scared to have another one of those dreams, he cant think like that.

its unprofessional

his mind ran across that word over and over 'unprofessional'. back then he didnt know any better.

he didnt think he couldve gotten into trouble, now however he knows. he knows to be cautious, he knows to avoid questions, he knows how to word sentences a certain way.

he knows what they would do if things got out of hand like they did two-three years back. by now it died down though.

harry sighed sitting up in the bed, contemplating whether or not to go out and get coffee. reluctantly he decided to go.

he slipped into joggers and a jumper before exiting his hotel room. the lights from the other rooms were all off as everyone was still a sleep.

making his way to the elevator one of the hotel doors opened. his fellow black haired bandmate had walked out of his room.

"cant sleep?" his bradford accent was a little rough as he had just woken up. harry shook his head no. "same, jet lags a bitch"

harry wasnt one to talk much in the morning, he wasnt one to talk much ever. he never understood how one could have energy this early or ever.

well zayn didnt totally have energy either but if it were the irish lad niall he would be questioning even more.

the got into the elevator, both most likely going out to get coffee. they knew it was against the rules to go out without paul or any other body guard but it was just passed six in the morning so no one would be out.

"theres a small coffee shop down the street, i saw it on our way here" zayn spoke as they got off the elevator.

harry yawned "we should get some for the others" he mumbled making his way out of the hotel, followed by zayn.

they walked for about three blocks in silenve until they reached a small café. they walked inside and took in the view.

a bookshelf with a reading nook on one side, tables just off of that and the counter that held the baked goods and a worker behind it.

no one was in there, they must have just opened. "hi what can i get started for ya today?" her american accent sounded way too happy for 6:15 in the morning.

"uh four coffees and one tea please" harry told the lady. "one black, two with sugar, one with cream and the tea is yorkshire with milk"

zayn payed for the drinks. harry had found himself scanning over the books on the shelving unit. he wasnt so interesting in them although one person was.

"you can take one with you if you would like, they are all donations" the worker had told him. he gave her a simple smile, scanning over the books again.

' a midsummer nights dream' his eyes landed on that as a memory popped into his head. he smiled at the thought and took it off the shelf.

the drinks had been made, harry grabbed his own while zayn grabbed the small cardboard tray. "good luck with your show tonight!"

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