chapter thirty three

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dear cass
you lied. i cant
even move my arm

NO TW:)))

xfactor house- 2010
louis' pov:

the past few weeks have been bind blowing. the other week we had gone to the 'harry potter' premiere (which by the way was just insane).

niall, liam, zayn and harry have become family to me. a second family that is, but still family. weve gotten extremely close as well.

harrys become my best mate (dont tell stan), even though every time i see him i want to kiss the fuck out of his soft pink lips- hes just my best mate.

zayn and i were playing fifa in the living room, most of the house was out promoting or rehearsing or just on their own.

niall and liam had gone out shopping with harry, so they wouldnt be back till later. although harry had messages me saying he had a surprise for me..

"so, you fancy him?"

the question caught me completely off guard, causing me to miss my goal "what?"

"harry, you fancy him?" zayn asked again like it was nothing. but its something huge... something only mum knows.

which reminds me, i should call her later today.

"i- is it that obvious?" i was scared to ask. well mum and now zayn. he sorta smiled and nodded "very!"

he just continued "when someone picks on him because hes the youngest in the house you always back him up"

"id do that for anyone" i countered back.

he set down his controller to face me properly, so i set mine down as well "you never play rough with him. you have no problem body checking me, niall or liam when playing football. but when it comes to harry you cant even push him lightly"

"i just dont want to ruin his curls" my voice filled with sarcasm, but laced with honesty.

"you sleep in the same bed for fuck sakes" zayn pointed out.

right- so one night there was a thunder storm and harry got scared so i let him sleep in my bed with me. then it accidentally became a habit...

"oh!" zayn then rolled his eyes "those names you have for each other- they are cute but they make me want to just empty my stomach sometimes"

"what nicknames? we all have nicknames! payno, nialler, zee, haz"

"oh but boobear" he fake pouted to make fun of harry. which was too far for him "shut it! dont make fun of him"

"there you go! you just did it!" he pointed at me.

he continued pointing out different things we do with each other, like how: i look at him like he hung the moon, the way we interact-

eventually we went back to playing fifa and yelling about- we got a few noise complaints from others in the house but to be fair we didnt stop.

"YOU NEED TO BLOODY PASS BETTER" zayn huffed in annoyance. i rolled my eyes "WELL!" he spoke again.

"PISS OFF ZAYN!" i nudged- it fell silent for a short amount of time before i scored "YES! TAKE THAT YA CUNT"

we calmed down after a bit and started a new match "you gonna ask him out or something?"

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