chapter twenty four

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dear cass,
** ** *


i know i said fluff chapter, i promise this is one. just some niall and cass stuff in the beginning :)

its not necessarily fluff? its just un problematic banter (no smut🙄🙄 yet😼)

also cass and louis are gonna become besties this chapter😌🤚

yes thank me later

anyways, we get to know more what louis thinks for a bit:)


TW// abuse

present day
july 1st 2014- no pov

they were finally going to see him today and bring him home. doctors thought it was best to keep him in a pretty closed off room for a couple days- that being about a week.

they said they regularly checked on him and niall would come up to visit every so often but the rest of the band weren't allowed to see him for some reason.

"lou, you want to go in first?" zayn asked leaning against liam- who was half a sleep.

his blue eyes darting to a doctor walking their way. luckily no fans caught on to anything yet. it still didnt help how nervous he was.

his legs started to shake even more. memories flooding his vision... soon enough he was guided to the room.

it was like a normal hospital just much more private and with a camera in the corner- probably to make sure he doesnt harm himself.

when the door closed behind him he saw harry sat on the bed in a pair of joggers and a loose tank top. he approached the bed, the boy looked up and started crying.

"im sorry lou- i.. i- i just. could-" the smaller one rushed over and held him "you dont get to apologize not once. nothing is your fault"

"but- i said so many things... lia- zay- they... i never meant to say..."

"hazza, shh you leave today. its okay, they arent mad. you just broke in half, but whats a little glue right?" he started to tickle the boys sides.

harry started to giggle, then smiled fondly "you used to say that a lot" louis smiled back "well you used to break stuff a lot"

"it was never my fault" the younger argued, which in return got him another around of tickles. his giggling made louis smile.

the smile that made his eyes crinkle and nose scrunch up a bit. he started laughing a little too "how has the week been?"

"long" they laid back on the small bed "boring, niall would visit almost everyday though. saw cass once as well"

"doctors nice?"

"nurses- i saw the doctor twice. the nurses do everything yet get paid significantly less. made
good friends with them though"

louis smiled once more "harry edward styles, what a charmer you are"

"i sometimes dont like you louis william tomlinson" harry huffed sitting back up out of the olders embrace. both of them broke out in fit of laughter.

the door swung open, zayn and liam walked in. a nurse whispering something to them then closing the door with a smile.

"harry..." liam walked over and hugged him. zayn followed after before they all sat on chairs or the bed. the air was silent for a while until harry poured words out of his mouth.

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