chapter eighteen

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ran out of photos of prince haired harry! so we just gon use black and white photos of different eras.

dear cass,
mf get ungrounded,
i need someone to talk to when i
walk my dog at night so i dont die

TW// EDs, self harm, alcohol abuse, suicide, depression, abuse

^heavy chapter if you couldnt tell.

ALSO USE OF THE M-WORD!!! (only once)

present day
may 15th 2014- no pov

"its going to be a long time till we can actually go to court boys, you understand this right?" christine spoke.

adam continued for her "we need to gather evidence- videos, witnesses, voice memos, messages, pictures. you get the point.

adam- louis, zayn and harrys lawyer. christine- niall and liams lawyer. the boys got them to pair up as this was a big case they had on their hands.

as of now, simon doesnt know anything. hes been too focused on niall which as bad as it sounds- its a good thing.

niall doesnt mind taking the load of the boys for once, even if hes stressed out from the cancer. right now hes staying in the hospital till the middle of july.

"niall! we are going to let you, we will fill you in on everything tomorrow yeah?" liam turned to the computer.

"yeah no worries, see you" the screen went black. we all turned to the two lawyers in front of them. they were currently sitting in liams dinning room.

they were going through files and documents of proof. theyve been going through medical records for the last few hours. finally getting towards the end of the files.

"right so twenty-twelve you were diagnosed with..."

"bulimia, depression, anxiety" zayn replied "then twenty-thirteen, anorexia" showing medical records and doctors notes he had kept over the years.

"and im sorry if you feel uncomfortable we just need to understand, these were caused by simon and modest?" zayn nodded towards adam.

"we record in hotel rooms before and after concerts, i never have time to sleep. it was just gone six in the evening, we were recording 'you and i' and i couldnt hit the high note as i was so tired. they said and i quote 'youre not eating dinner until you hit that hignote' i was there until three in morning."

christine and adam looked horrified, zayn looked dull in a sense. harry could tell it hurt to talk about. "thank you zayn, liam?" christine spoke.

"um, i will explain in depth another time but in short. i have an alcohol addiction. management put me under so much pressure of being the 'father' of the group. so i turned to self harm and when that didnt work- i turned to alcohol and i lost control"

both lawyers nodded. harry was sat next louis and liam, zayn on the other side of louis. "its not the first time myself or christine have heard of something like this in the industry. im sorry boys, it really does suck"

everyone nodded, there was a moment of silence before louis threw an old phone onto the dinning table "whats this?" adam questioned.

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