chapter thirty seven

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cass sent me my new fav larry pic, they are adorable, please.

guys after this chapter theres only three more chapters. so forty in total.


dear cass,
already have the promposal
idea for you bestie:)
-smarty pants lauren

TW// physical/mental abuse, drugs, forced sexual acts, over dose, suicide, depression, anxiety, self harm, eating disorders.

court date 5- no pov

"as they were all mistreated, abused, told their career mattered more than their mental health. there were two of them who couldnt even expressed a single ounce of love to each other" christine started.

"louis tomlinson and harry styles" the two boys were the only ones up front today. the boys felt it would be intrusive if they were there.

"you heard what they went through during the first two days we were in here. may i remind you that, harry styles and louis tomlinson were in a relationship back in twenty-ten, were forced to break up january twenty-eleven"

the power in her voice was unimaginable, harry and louis felt safe as they held hands under the table.

"why? you ask. OH! because simon cowell is homophobic and only cared about his reputation and making money. a million-billionare was worried he wasnt gonna have enough money. was worries a group of five young and naive boys were going to ruin everything he had built"

simons face was plastered with disgust. louis wanted to punch him. harry wanted to run and cry.

"just to save his reputation, he sent a sixteen year old harry styles out of the country and into conversion therapy. he gave a freshly turned nineteen year old -louis tomlinson- a fake girlfriend, four different kinds of drugs to take for his depression, anxiety, insomnia and more. the boy self harmed, over dosed, almost killed himself. as for the poor sixteen year old- out of the country..."

harry squeezed louis hand tighter "is alright love, only today and tomorrow" louis whispered "itll be over soon"

louis' comforting. harry is thankful for it.

"... harry was drugged, forced to masturbate to naked girls. they would physically shove these mystery pills down his throat. in return he would throw them up. harry styles told us a month ago that forcing himself to throw up was good- it felt good. he developed an eating disorder. he self harmed. he became depressed and suicidal as well"

dont cry dont cry dont cry. were the only thoughts running through the pairs mind. hearing someone else talking about their traumas with what seems like no emotion hurts.

of course, they know christine -and adam- care about them deeply and that any moment they could cry.

again though, it still hurts.

"being said, i would like to call anne twist up to the stand" harry froze, christine said nothing about calling anne back up.

all the lawyer did was give him a small smile before mouthing 'sorry' and turning back to find anne already sitting down.

she look just as scared and confused as her son.

"miss twist, you didnt know anything of the situation until no more than a month ago. is that correct?"

"it is"

"i would like to ask you some questions about your son, harry styles" anne nodded slowly "you told us that mr styles calls you every night, yes?"

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