Calm and Cool

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Jay's POV

Kai asked again. "Jay! Am I really that different?" His eyes held mine and I could literally see the pain he was going through.

I took a breath. "Kai, that is a loaded question."

"Please just say."

I let the breath go. "You are Kai. You aren't that different in the way that yes, you still have 'It's Hot I'm Hot' toothpaste. You are still the same Kai who spray painted the chair to say 'I love beanbags.' You are the same Kai who locked me and Lloyd in the bathroom that one time after I had the dream that Lloyd told me my breath stank." I did a little laugh. "That was crazy."

Kai's fire went back into his fists and he looked more relaxed, so I kept talking.

"You are the Kai who dressed up as Kaiser, just to stop me from getting a stupid job that would have ruined my life. You pause the movies all the time, just to explain either stupid points or random things that none of us would have thought about. You protect Nya from everything, including me, even though I am not dangerous."

Kai took a shuddery breath, calming his shaking and he kept watching me intently. 

"You are the Kai who Lloyd drew the mustache on, and the one who wore sunglasses inside!" I shook my head and chuckled. "You managed to pull that off. We had to use your hairgel to get Lloyd and Nya off the wall! You are a hero for that one. You fell down the stairs and landed on that one screw I needed to fix the TV screen! And then we got a new and bigger screen!"

Kai grinned a bit, shaking a bit. I am guessing from the cold. "That actually really hurt."

"You don't know it yet, but with this Ember mix, you are going to be great."

The smile disappeared instantly. "I don't want to talk about that Jay."

"Think about it. She was so talented."


"You technically have another sister-"


I sighed. "Okay." We stood there for a few seconds in silence. It was pretty quite, only a few cars passing on the street behind me. I waited patiently for Kai to straighten. It was up to him when we would go back to the Bounty. "Just saying, I told Skylar that we wouldn't be back."

Kai looked startled. "Jay. You didn't have to do that. I know the other ninja like her." He looked a little guilty.

"If she doesn't accept one of us, she doesn't accept any of us!" I stubbornly told him. I crossed my arms. "I know for a fact the other ninja's agree with me." Kai slowly nodded. Then, he stood straighter and took a deep breath.

"I think I am ready to go back to the Bounty." 

I smiled and waited for him to walk past me, before following. We walked in silence and it only took about ten minutes to get back to the flying ship. The red stood out rather boldly as a week ago Nya and I repainted it. We made sure to get dark blue for the trim, the darkest we could find. Cole moped for a week on how black was better than blue and Nya was being dumb by buying my element color, but I ignored that whiner.

Zane thought hot pink would look good so that night I took apart his camera eye lens and made sure they were clean and a system diagnostic. Red and pink? On a flying ship? Something was wrong with that robot. 

Anyway, we entered the Bounty and Kai headed straight to his room. I stepped in front. "Hey. Don't you want to play some Fist2face5?"

He growled. "Don't push your luck, Jay." I shrugged.

"Fair enough."

I let him walk by and winced as she shut the door quite hard. Then, I made my way down to the game room where Dom and Lloyd where in a vicious battle on the gaming consol. "Dom! You are lagging behind! Watch the skeleton-!" Lloyd screamed as his own character was horribly stabbed and trampled by a buffalo. I cringed. The graphics were so much better on Fist2Face5 verses the old original Fist2Face. 

Dom shrieked and moved her controller the way she wanted her guy to go. Her character did a final jump before she too was stabbed to death. Lloyd groaned and hung his head but both him and Dom ended up laughing. He gave her a high-five. 

"That was only your third time playing and you made it to level 5 with me! That is insane!"

Dom nudged him and I swear the green ninjas eyes softened. "Sure. You did all the work." 

I sat down next to the green ninja. "Hey! Can I join?" Lloyd grinned and nodded and I grabbed the blue controller.

"So how is Kai?" Lloyd asked. "Skylar also said 'goodbye' to us and she was crying. What exactly happened?"

I took a breath and explained the situation. "- and then Kai told me exactly what Skylar had told him and ya." I looked down. "It-it isn't good. She doesn't think she can get over the looks and the small personality differences."

Lloyd inhaled quickly. "Oof. And Kai was always big about his looks." He looked from Dom to me.

I nodded. "So anyway, we aren't going to go to Skylar's anymore. I told her if she can't accept one of us, then she doesn't get to be friends with all enough."

Lloyd nodded in agreement and Dom spoke. "Is Kai calm now?" I answered positively and she said, "maybe I should go in there and see if he is okay?"

Lloyd put his hand on her arm. "I appreciate the thought, Dom, but I doubt Kai would want to see you right now." Dom looked pretty sad about that and I could see why. After all, he has part of her sisters looks and her memories. 

"Are we still good on Nya not knowing?" I asked Lloyd, wondering how it went inside the restaurant after we left. Lloyd smiled a bit and explained.

"Ya. I think she just thought that something happened between him and Skylar, which is true. After that, I don't think she really thought anything wrong with what happened."


We started the First2Face game and Lloyd spoke after a few minutes of us killing the bad guys, Lloyd spoke up once again. "Not nice of Kai asking you to keep a secret from Nya though." I felt a little twinge in my heart.

"Ya. I don't think he even thought of it." I sad smiled to myself. It hurt knowing I had to lie to Nya if she asked me but at the same time, if it helped Kai get better... I think she'd forgive me.

Dom spoke up. "Hopefully he gets better soon."

Don't we all.

Blue ninja OUT

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