The Plan

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Lloyd's POV.

Jay paced around the room, ranting and raving. "Really? Kai didn't even tell us?! Why didn't he tell us? We are his friends- no teammates- no BROTHERS! He can't just keep stuff from us. Now he's back in his room- AGAIN. What does this mean?" He gasped suddenly. "Does this mean that Nya is your half sister?" he puzzled, waving his hand over to Dom. "Why doesn't Kai like you? He loves Nya. Goodness, I was petrified to even go out with her in the first place!" He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and I made my move.

"Jay it doesn't help to rant about it!" Dom told him. She placed her controller down. I supported her.

"Ya! Jay, Kai always trusts you. You out of anyone can get him to come out of his room!" I spoke honestly.

Jay thought about it for a second. "That's true..." he murmured. "Since I'm dating Nya, Kai really has trusted me more."

"Not that much more," I muttered.

"A lot more!" Jay argued.

"Whatever," I said, waving a hand. "I don't feel like arguing." Honestly it just hurt that Kai wouldn't come to me for some advice. He wouldn't even let me in his room. I should be grateful he still lets Jay in, but I can't help but be jealous.

Jay turned off the TV and faced us. "What should I say? I don't even know what I said to get him to come out this morning!"

"What about 'Kai, I need you?'" Dom suggested.

Jay made a face.

"Ew. No."

"What about 'come out for lunch?'"


The two bickered back and forth for a while and I sighed, pulling out my phone. I scrolled through Chirp.

Cyrus Borg made a statement about new toasters and how to clean them, Dareth posted a selfie of him kissing a penguin statue, Karloff put on a picture of his polished armor, and Skylar put on a picture the new and improved "puffy potstickers."

Hmmm. Skylar. She and Kai used to be a thing! I wonder if that's still happening...?

I scratched my nose and kept scrolling, ignoring Jays "you don't know what it's like to date a fire ninjas sister" comment.


Kai put a picture on. The picture of Zane from this morning. I read his little sentence 'Zane won't go bacon your heart' and chuckled. Zane's smile made the whole picture.

I clicked the comments and gasped in horror.

There were terrible things being said.

"Finally you put something on, ugly" - Staci.

"At least it's not a picture of you! Haha!" - Erica.

"Someone take away his phone quick before we see his face!" - KJ.

I gasped again in horror. Poor Kai! He loves his social media! He had to have seen all this! His beloved fan girls were ruining his life.

Jay peered over my screen. "What are you gasping about, Lloydikins."

I glared at him. He saw some of the comments and gasped. So did Dom. "That's horrible!"

"No wonder Kai is so upset!" Jay put the pieces together. "His fans all hate him! He looks different then what he used to and he has a whole ton of memories that aren't his." He hung his head.

"Maybe we can convince him otherwise!" Dom suggested. "Is there anyone that would convince Kai he's perfect the way he is?" She looked at Jay.

"That's really cliché," I pointed out.

"Who cares!" Jay exclaimed. "Think! What about Nya?"

I shook my head. "She obviously already made it known to him. It can't be any of us."

We all thought for a second. Dom spoke up. "Does Kai have any old girlfriends?"

Jay gasped, his eyes going wide. He looked at me. I looked at him.

"Skylar," we both spoke together.

"This is it," Jay cheered. "We have a plan! We will trick Kai into going to Mr. Chen's Noodle House, and we will leave the rest up to ROMANCE." He did a little boogie.

"How do you know this Skylar will tell him what we want him to hear?" Domonique wondered.

"Trust me on this," I threw my arm over her shoulder. "Kai and Skylar go WAAAAAY back."

Jay nodded. "This is the perfectest plan."

We all stood up and headed out of the living room. We passed the kitchen, where Cole was shoving his face full of cake.

"Am I mwissing swomsthing?"

"No no!" I patted the earth ninjas back. "You just keep eating." He smiles and resumed his snack.

Don grabbed a piece and carried it down the hall with us. Cole just smiled and didn't stop her.

Cole smiled and didn't stop her.


So I went back for a piece. And I got slapped. "Get lost, Lloydikins."

"After you, Coley-boy."

He growled.

I left. Dom stayed with Cole. I get it though. He had cake.

Jay and I continued to Kai's room. When we reached the door bearing the fire ninjas sign, we stopped.

Jay took a breath. He looked at me. I nodded back. I put my hand on his shoulder for support. "Jay, before you ask him about going to the Noodle house, you need to have some boundaries set for him."

"What do you mean?" Jay asked. He tilted his head at me slightly and I explained what I meant.

"A few things. It has been a month, Jay. He hasn't shown up to dinners, he hasn't really communicated with any of us, including Nya." Jay nodded, agreeing with what I was saying. "Also, I didn't want to say this in front of Dom, but Jay, he cannot act that way around her."

Jay nodded. "He was quite rude."

"That cannot happen again," I spoke grimly. "Or him and I are going to have problems. I understand he is going through something, but he needs to be told that there are things he can and can't do." I sighed, rubbing my head, feeling a headache slowly coming on with all the recent stress. "He is pretty messed up right now, isn't he."

Jay once again nodded. "I am a little worried. But I do hear what you are saying." He rose his hand to the door.

Then, he knocked.

He was yanked inside of Kai's room. Like usual, he was the only one allowed in. I sighed, trying not to feel unwanted. I always thought of Kai as my best bud, but recently things have changed.


Hey guys! Comment and tell me what you think!

How many of you like Dom?

How many of you think that Kai would listen to Jay better than Lloyd?

Let me know!!


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