Bacon Stack

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Kai's POV

Jay barged into my room as I slipped on a red shirt. I shook my head, making the shower hair drops fall onto the guy who's dating my sister.

"Ew! Kai! Seriously?"

"Well, don't barge into my room then, Zapbag!"

Jay huffed and crossed his arms. "Sor-ry," he dragged out. "I didn't know you just came out from the shower!"

"It's called knocking."

Jay huffed again, looking unimpressed. "Whatever. I'm here to tell you it's breakfast time."

"I don't want any."

"Yes you do."

"No. I don't."

"Yes you-"

"JAY! How could you possibly know if I wanted breakfast?! I'm not hungry!" I snapped at the lightning ninja. He was taken aback.

"Kai, just consider it. You haven't been to breakfast for the last week. Not even lunch or dinner. Come to think about it, you barely leave your room. Do you even eat anymore?"

I thought back to the last week. I slept a ton, took quite a few roasting hot baths, and stared at myself for hours in the mirror, trying to imagine away this horrible look. When did I eat?

I sighed. "I don't feel like it."

Jay pulled out three envelopes out of his back pocket. "Fine. Well, these are for you. And if you feel like coming to eat, everyone would appreciate it. We all miss you, Kai." He left the room quietly, carefully closing the door behind him.

I sighed, looking at the envelopes in my hand. The first one was a bill for my phone. The second was a fan letter.

I opened it, ripping the envelope to shreds.

Dear Kai:
I saw your new look on TV. It's hideous. I thought you and I would make a great couple but now I took down all the posters in my room and burned them. You will never belong with the ninja, looking like that. Cole is now the hottest.

Do something to fix your face.
-<>- Emma -<>-

I placed that letter on my dresser, reading it over again and again. Many of my fan letters have become crazy and horrible. I haven't used my Chirp account since the fight, a month ago. Notifications are still blowing up like they always do, but instead of the comments about how sexy my hair is or how big muscles I have, it's "ew! Get a facelift." Or "Ninja of fire? More like ninja of burned-to-crisp face."

I opened the last envelope.


Although I am only ten, I think you are really cute. My mom says that admiring you is dangerous, but I find it more and more attractive now that you tried to save that girl. Even though she was evil, I saw on TV you guys becoming one. What's that word?- oh ya. Merging.
I bet everyday you wake up and see that you tried to save her. You are a hero. Your face and body may look different, but you will always be the best fire ninja this world will ever know.

You are my hero. It would be a shame if you stopped being a ninja. P.S. I'm missing your Chirps.
-<>- Julia -<>-

I read this letter over and over. A little ten year old girl still thought of me as her hero? She didn't find me haunting her in her sleep?

I looked in the mirror and ran my hand over my face again. My shower hair was now drying at the line straight down between my hair and Embers were very noticeable. Not only that, but freckles only lined one side of my face, and one eye was blue and green, completely mismatching my own brown/hazel ones.

I looked down at my red shirt. It looked fine with my brown hair, but with her blond hair with the blue and green tips, it looked a little strange.

I guess it is MY hair now.

I sighed. At least my hair still spikes up how it usually does.

Laughter interrupted my thoughts as the noise drifted downstairs.

Maybe I should go have some breakfast.

I left Julia's letter on my bed and grabbed my hair gel, spiking up my hair to perfection. Then, I took a breath and exited the room, heading for the staircase.

More laughter echoed down the hall.

I entered the dining room, where Zane had a six pieces of bacon on his head. Jay had his tongue stuck out a little to the side as he slowly layered another piece on top.

"Woah!" Lloyd, Nya, Cole, and Dom watched as the stake wobbled, but didn't tumble.

"SEVEN?!" Cole asked incredulously, throwing his hands in the air. "A new record!"

Lloyd did a smirk, similar to mine, and grabbed another crispy bacon piece from a plate. "If anyone's gonna get a record, it's me!"

"Go Lloyd!" Dom cheered.

Cole grabbed one of the few remaining pieces. "I call going next!"

"Nobody can beat the blue ninja!" Jay puffed out his chest. "Isn't that right Muffin Melon Poo?"

Nya patted his arm in support, eyes focused on the bacon pile up that was happening on Zane's head.

He stood on a chair and slowly breathed out, gently placing the bacon on Zane's head.

Zane sat perfectly still.

Everyone breathed in.

Lloyd let go.

The bacon wobbled.

Lloyd flinched.

Jay put his arm up in silent victory.

The bacon stabilized.

"NO!" Jay hollered in complete horror as the room erupted with cheers. Lloyd stepped on the table and took a bow as Nya tried to comfort her boyfriend.

"It's an even newer record!" Cole exploded. "Eight pieces of bacon?! Insane!"

Jay sobbed.

Dom hugged the record breaker as he stepped down from the table, yapping about how much tension there was in the room. The famous green ninja was glowing.

I took my phone out of my back pocket and took a picture of the white ninja, the biggest smile on his face with eight pieces of bacon on his head.

"You'll get it next time!" Nya insisted to the heartbroken Jay. "You can go again right after Cole!"

"But I wanna go again now!" The lightning ninja stomped impatiently on the hardwood floor.

The table wobbled.

The chair Zane was sitting on wobbled.

And then Zane wobbled.

The bacon wobbled.

Everyone gasped in horror.

Down came the stack of bacon.

Lloyd's face went red. "JAAAAY!"


Sorry for the long wait!! Hopefully it was worth it! What happened in the meantime?

I got married!! Whoop!!!

Comment a lot peoples!

Alloydgat0rs OUTTTTTT

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