Knowing the Unknown

177 13 4

Kai's POV.

After the bacon incident settled, everyone went back to eating breakfast. Zane happily ate his eight pieces of bacon that everyone gave him.

"Kai! Join us!" Zane happily invited, pulling out my original spot next between him and Cole.

Everyone wished me good morning, then continued their conversation.

"Who would want that bacon now that it touched your hair?" Lloyd shuttered, gagging faintly.

Dom poured herself fresh orange juice and took a drink as Jay responded. "Hey! Sometimes Nya and I share the same straw!"

"That's a little different," Nya pointed out, munching on her own bacon. "We are dating."

"That's even more gross!" Lloyd insisted. "That's LIPS touching." Cole highfived him, his mouth to full of chocolate muffin to speak.

I narrowed my eyes. Nya scooped me some scrambled eggs as Jay glanced at me nervously. "N-now Lloyd. It's not t-that bad!"

"Very unsanitary," Zane spoke up.

Jay trembled. He quickly changed the topic. "Did anyone see last nights sunset?"

Dom piped up about how pretty the pink was as Nya showed her new phones background of the picture she took.

Breakfast went on peacefully. Everyone continued on their day as Nya and Zane took their turn doing dishes.

I sat at the dining room table a little after breakfast. Chirp was calling my name.

As soon as I logged into the app, my phone went crazy with beeps and dings and chirps.

I pressed the "have anything to chirp about?" button and uploaded the picture of Zane with the bacon. The big smile on his face made the picture. I put a quote above it. "Zane won't go bacon your heart."

I got three likes two seconds after I put it on and about a dozen comments a minute later. I drifted through a few of them.

'ZANE! EEK!' -Kara

'Looking good, my future husband!' -Elsa

'SNOWMORE! I can't take the cuteness' - Hermione

'At least HE still looks good!' - Emma

That last one hurt a little. Leaving the dining room, I headed down the stairs toward the living room.



I walked smack in Dom.

"My favorite color is green!"

"Seriously?" I snorted, tying her hair into a pony. "That's a boy color!"

Domonique giggled. "No way! Grass isn't boyish and it's green!" She picked at the carpet.

I smiled and continued running my fingers through her ponytail.

I shook my head, clearing the memories and the images. "Seriously? Watch where you are going!"

Dominique flinched back. "I'm sorry! I-I'll be more careful next time!" Her eyes widened as I looked at her.

She was so young! Maybe sixteen. She had long blond hair that trailed behind her, more yellow then my new hair. She was wearing the green hoodie with the word "Dominique" on the back. Her eyes scanned mine and she took a few quick breathes. Her blue jeans were skinny jeans and she was wearing fluffy socks.

"I don't like those jeans," I said bluntly. I froze.

Dom froze.

"Ember hates these jeans," she murmurs, running her hands over the black thread lines. "She always said that they are—"

"Too tight."

"How did you-"

"I- I don't know." I narrowed my eyes at her.  "Just go away."

Her eyes widened even more if that was possible and she nodded and awkwardly tried to pass.

My heart jerked a bit at the scared, no, sad, no, confused look on her face. I shrugged it off and continued my way, heading into the living room.

Jay looked up. "Hey Kai!"


"Wanna play fist2face3 with me?" He had his own blue controller in hand and held out my red one.

"I don't know Jay-"

"All you ever do is spend time in your room."



I sighed. "Fine. Only one game."

Jay scooted over on the couch and turned on the TV. The surround sound hit my ears and soon him and I were battling against skeletons.

"Just a question," Jay shot at a skeleton, then made his guy flip over a block, "have you tapped any of Embers powers? It has been a month now."

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Okay. Sure. Yup. That's fine."

We played in silence for a little while longer, Jay making a few squealing noises as he received double score bonus.

Laughter echoed down the halls, distracting us from our game. Lloyd and Dom burst into the room, Lloyd wearing her green hoodie as she tried to get it back.

Jay paused the game. The two noticed us and Dom took a teeny step toward the door after making eye contact with me. Lloyd, on the other hand, ran forward, excited to see us playing a video game.

"Oh! Can we play?!"

"Sure!" Jay exclaimed, excited to have more players. He threw Lloyd the green remote and handed Dom the white one. They sat on the other couch.

"She prefers black over white," I told Jay, nudging his shoulder.  I handed Dom the black remote, taking the white from her hands.

Lloyd laughed. "How would you know that, Kai?"

Domonique gladly took the remote. "It's true, Lloyd. White gets so dirty."

"And it reminds you of hospitals," I reminded her. I ran my hand threw my hair and turned back toward the TV.

"Yes," she said slowly. "I don't like hospitals."

As soon as Jay had hit play, I suddenly realized that I had done it again. I knew a few facts about Dom because of Ember and I spoke them without even thinking.

Lloyd spoke up. "I didn't know you too were so close." His voice was curt.

"We aren't!" I gruffly said. I grabbed the sword on the screen and started swinging it at skeletons.

"I think he seems to have some of Embers memories," Dom softly put out there. I glared at her, clenching my teeth and breathing heavily.

Jay froze. Lloyd choked in surprise. They both looked at me.

I tried not to look back. Jay paused the game.

"Kai? Is this true?"

"Yes. So what?" I tried to shrug it off.

"So what!? This changes everything! It's almost like you and Dom are siblings!" I snapped my eyes to look at Dom.

"NO!" I yelled, stomping to my feet. I pointed a finger at Dom. "She will never be my sister!"

"Woah! Kai! That's a little rough don't you think?" Lloyd tried to argue, trying to discreetly move Dom a little behind him.

"She will never be my sister," I thundered, trying to control the anger inside. I put my controller down and left the room, my heart only clenching a bit as I saw Dom trying to hold a brave face.

Back to my room I go. And I am not going to come out for a while.


Hey guys!!! Comment a lot. I love them! What do you think is gonna happen next chapter???!!!
Thanks for reading.

Alloydgat0rs O-U-T!!!

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