The Familiar Junkyard Smell

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Nya's POV

Jay was in the middle of this elaborate story, waving his arms and excitedly chatting to me about it when we strolled into the game room. Zane had announced that breakfast was ready and I had said I would get Kai. Jay volunteered to come with. Cole was already drooling over some waffles. 

My first thought was that Kai was asleep in his room, but he wasn't. Jay was sure he would be in the game room then. As we strolled in, I noticed the TV was going and two figures on the couch. Kai was zonked out on the one side, his leg half on the couch and his other stretched out, just about touching Dom's leg. She had her head rested on the arm of the couch but was bundled up so tightly I don't even know how it was comfortable. Seriously, with all those fuzzy blankets I would have been a sweaty mess.

The chatter on the TV was good background noise and Jay stopped his story mid sentence, seeing the two snoozing. "Dom?" He seemed really shocked to see her. I looked at him and he quickly looked back at the two sleeping. "I almost don't want to wake them up," he whispered toward me.  I nodded back, agreeing with my boyfriend. 

But, I knew a hungry Kai is crankier than a sleepless Kai. "Do you think he is stressed?" I asked Jay, watching my brother snooze. He looked so peaceful, his face relaxed. 

Jay stuttered a bit and fumbled with his hands. "What? No? Why? Why would you think that?"

"I just feel like going through something that Kai did..." my voice trailed off as Kai mumbled in his sleep. I continued, whispering. "If you go through something like that, there has to be some mental trauma or something!" I glanced at Jay. "Is he seeing a specialist?"

Jay shook his head. "He's doing okay." His eyes darted toward the sleeping fire ninja and then to Dom. I narrowed my eyes at the lightning ninja beside me. He seemed a little nervous and bounced around on his feet. 

I left the topic after giving Jay one more glance and put my hand on Kai's shoulder. "Wake up," I gently said, shaking his shoulder a bit. The fire ninja suddenly kicked out, waking up very aggressively. His foot shot out and kicked Dom in the hip. She sat up quickly and muffled a sound of pain. 

In an instant Kai was up. I blinked and he was gone from his spot on the couch. "Domonique!" He moved the blankets, throwing them on the floor and instantly put his hand on her side as if him pressing there would take away the pain. "I'm sorry!" he burst out. "I didn't mean to kick you! Are you okay?"

Dom blinked up at him, trying to get rid of the few tears, and slowly nodded. "I'm fine Kai. It really startled me, that's all."

"Are you sure you don't need ice or something?"

"What's going on in here?" Lloyd's head popped into the room. "Zane said he sent Nya down here a few minutes ago to get Kai-" His face hardened. His tone became icy. "What's going on?" In two strides he was next to Dom's side.

Kai hadn't even seemed to notice Jay or I yet. Instead, he was scanning Dom's face for any kind of pain. Lloyd pushed the fire ninja back. "Dom. Are you okay? What happened?"

Dom smiled, wiping the last tear away. "It's all good Lloyd. Kai accidently kicked me."

Lloyd whirled around to face Kai. "He did what?" he growled. 

"Calm down!" Kai told Lloyd. "It was an accident." He checked Dom out one more time before nodding, knowing that if anything she might have a bruise but that's about it. "I didn't mean too."

Lloyd narrowed his eyes one more time but seemed to shake it off. "If you are sure you are okay..." he questioned Dom one more time. 

"I'm fine." She smiled at Lloyd and put her hand on his arm. "Is breakfast ready? I am quite hungry." She stood from the couch and put the blankets back on the sofa arm. Then, she turned and went out the door, pulling Lloyd with her. 

Kai ran a hand through his hair and turned around. He paused, seeing Jay and I standing there. "Oh. Uh when did you guys get here?" Jays face apparently said it all because Kai looked even more stressed out. "I didn't mean to kick her!"

"We know!" I told him. "I startled you and then you accidently kicked her. It's nobody's fault."

There was a second of awkward silence before Cole's bellowing echoed down the stairs. "Enough is enough! If you guys don't get here in one minute I am going to eat all the waffles by myself!"

Jay scurried to the door and held it open for me and Kai as we made our way upstairs. Luckily, there were still waffles left. 

After breakfast it took only twenty minutes to get to the Junkyard. We stepped into the weird November sunny day and stretched, taking in the fresh air. Piles of metal, tires, and random kitchen gadgets were at the entrance. Just beyond that was the cute little home. I could see Edna watering some flowers in the pots by her front door.

"It smells like butt," Cole blurted out. I punched his arm and strolled up with Jay, eager to see his parents. Kai followed a few steps behind and Dom was just taking in the sight of tons of stuff laying around.

"Jay! My baby!" Edna screeched as she saw her son approaching. "Ed, your boy is here!"

"My son?!" An older face looked out of the trailer door. "Jay! Long time no see, son!"

"Hey dad! Mom." Jay hugged his parents quickly, trying to pull away when Edna squeezed his cheeks. 

"You brought the crew!" Edna exclaimed in excitement. "Nya, as usual you look amazing, you little doll you." I winced as my cheek was pinched and I was pulled in for a rib crushing hug.

"Hey Mrs. Walker."

"Please dear, we've told you plenty of times to call us Ed and Edna."

"Who knows?" Jays dad joked. "Maybe you can call us Dad and Mom soon!"

"Dad!" Jay groaned out, whining a bit. "Please! I told you that always makes things awkward." His cheeks went a little red and he ran his hand through his hair, turning away so I couldn't directly see his face.

I smiled brightly at the Walkers. "Sounds good to me!" 


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