Hoodie Girl

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A few days later I was downstairs teaching Dom the basic fighting skills. After all, us ninja get into tons of trouble and it wouldn't be smart if we left Dom to fend for herself during it. 

And now I've been teaching her for a week and I swear she hasn't learned anything.

She threw a punch at me. When we first started, she panicked, scared she would hit me too hard and leave a mark. 

About six throws later, after I told her to give it her all and that I would cook all her scheduled meals for a month if she landed a hit, she realized that hitting me would be harder than she thought. She swung her hardest now, not fearing at all that I would get hurt. 

She hasn't landed one punch. She did hit me with a pillow on the couch a day ago but I saw that coming. In her frustration, she slammed it really hard and I figured it would be good to give her a win before she gave up in anger. She really didn't have to take these lessons, I just informed her that I would feel safer if she did.

And so she did.

Another punch was swung at me and again I simply stepped to the side. She tried to kick me and I jumped over that easily. One more fist came flying at me and I grabbed her wrist, turning it slightly toward her. I frowned slightly, noticing what was wrong.


"Oh right!" She fixed her hand. "Thumb on the outside, otherwise when I hit you the force could break it." I smiled slightly, happy she had at least remembered that. Last thing I would want is her to break her thumb in the first three training sessions. 

Gifts for cooking, Dom did have. Gifts for fighting and weaponry? Not so much.

Eh. Everyone is different. At least she is still trying. 

She was panting quite hard. "Wanna take a break?" I questioned the girl in green. Eh. More like teal. She wiped some sweat off her forehead and nodded, tightening her ponytail and going to the side of the courtyard where there was a few water bottles.

Zane sat meditating on the front of the ship, the lessons not bothering him at all. Cole was making supper as it was his turn and last I saw Nya and Jay they were watching a movie in the rec room. Nya was mentioning for a while that her and Jay were going to watch "The Lover's Quail" and I know that Jay was not looking forward for it. He tried to get out of it a few times and managed to not see it for a few days, but today she just dragged him.

I wouldn't want to watch a movie about stupid birds in love. I can see why Jay used the 'I have a headache' excuse two times. Sure, he loves Nya. But he also loves his memory and I can see that movie being on repeat in your head like the 'song that never ends'.

Dom jogged back to me, breaking me from my thoughts. "Ready for round two, Green Ninja?"

I grinned. "Bring it, Hoodie Girl."

She took a stance. I put my hand up, the symbol of pause, and took a step forward, fixing one of her feet and once again, putting her thumb on the outside of her other fingers. I stepped back and took my own position, standing at ease. Her body gave away her move once again and I stepped to the left, putting up my right hand and slapping her thrusting fist away gently.

She didn't give up and tried to kick my other side, which left her a little off balance and I simply stepped forward, pushing her with two fingers so she fell down onto the mat.

I gave her my hand and she stood, brushing the stray hairs from her face and tightening her ponytail once again, keeping long blond hair out of her eyes. She took her stance.

I smiled. For not having the natural talent, she could keep going. "Okay Dom. Remember when you kick, you loose some balance. Make sure you only use that when you know that you can recover quick. If your enemy is about to make a hit, rely on your defense."

"You don't even move!" She huffed. "How am I supposed to tell when you are going to make a hit?"

"His eyes give him away," another voice chipped in. I glanced over in surprise to see Kai sitting on the stairs by the control room. For the past few days he has been in his room, except for supper. Even then he rarely talks, especially not to Dom. "When he is about to land a hit he glances where he is going to strike." The fire ninja crossed his arms and leaned back slightly. "Jay thinks it is his weakness but I think that his green ninja power knows what move he is going to do before his brain even does."

Eyes wide in surprise that the red ninja spoke, let alone helped Dom out, I turned back to Dom. Shocked even more, I saw her nodding and processing this information. She turned and faced me again, taking a stance. I put my hand up, moved her arm a few inches to the side, and then stepped back and took my own stance. 

Once again I stood at ease. She leapt forward and punch toward my side, then one at my head, and one at my leg. The last punch was a little sloppy and she tumbled a bit and I saw my chance. I stepped forward and went to hit her side.

A hand caught mine. Dom smirked back, pushing my hand away. Sure, I was a bit surprised, but the next move I did made her land heavily on the mat once again.

She picked herself up and made an excited noise. "It worked!" Kai grinned a bit, looking a little smug. His blond hair with the green and blue tips seemed lighter in the sunlight, while his naturally brownish reddish hair matched his normal ninja clothes.

Dom turned to me. "I knew you were going to do it! It was so quick I wasn't even sure I caught the movement." She did a little boogie, dancing in a circle and I laughed. She had looked so determined that I hadn't even picked up that maybe she noticed something in my fighting behavior.

"Beginners luck," I jokingly teased, tripping her so she fell to the mat once again. "You wouldn't be able to do that again."

She twisted and tried to grab my legs but I jumped out of the way, dodging her grabbing hands. Soon, we were both laughing hard and I found myself not really caring if I did fall or not. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her hand go for my left foot so I kept it there and waited until she caught hold and pulled.

I crashed onto the mat next to her and she started laughing hysterically. Kai watched this entire exchange with a small grin, looking comfortable on his step. I reached over and tickled her side and she shrieked.

"Lloyd! Stop!" 

"Am I the best?!"

She started laughing so hard she was crying, gasping and squirming to get out of my grasp. "W-what!?"

"Am I the best?!" I teased, pinning her legs down and her arms. She was stuck.

She rolled her eyes and so I continued to tickle her sides. Dom shrieked again. "Yes! You are the best!"

I gave her a hand up and she took it, taking a minute to breathe. Then, she stood in her stance once again. "Ready for another round, Green Ninja?"

I smirked back at her, raising my nose a bit and looking down at her, winking. Then, I took my stance. "Ready when you are, Hoodie Girl."

Green Ninja O-U-T.

How did yall like this one? I feel like this chapter turned out pretty good. Does anyone have any ideas for what would make great chapters in the future? Let me know! I was reading back on my first few books when I started in grade 8 and I feel like honestly, now out of school and already married for two years, that I have greatly improved. 

Has the humor gone down? I know the grammar has gone up XD.

Also let me know when you started reading my books and where are you now in life? I LOVE TO KNOW THIS STUFF ITS SO FUN! I like connecting with you guys.



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