Everything is Under Control

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Kai's POV


Lloyd entered my room. He didn't even knock.



"What was that out there?" The Green Ninja motioned towards the Bounty's deck, his green eyes crackling with green lightning. He was pissed. "You could have seriously hurt her." 

I rolled me eyes. "I had it under control."

"Under control?" Lloyds voice was lowered and I took a small step back. "You threw an entire massive fire ball, that came from you, into the ocean. You're telling me that you had that under control? That much fire?" His fist shook slightly.

Honestly, mad Lloyd is something that rarely happened. Last time it did, Cole went missing for a few days. I gulped. Then I narrowed my eyes. "It isn't my fault that she brought up Ember." Domonique knew the deal I had with Jay. She just pushed to much.

"Have control, Kai."

"Tell her to get over Ember."

Lloyd took a step forward. "No Kai. You get over your changes. Ember is her dead sister and you WILL respect Dom and her loss. You need to shake this off." Lloyd turned and walked toward the door. 

"I had it under control!" I shot back. "I directed that fire ball into the ocean!" How dare Lloyd come into my space and tell me that this was all my fault! I didn't choose to be like this! I didn't want this!

The Green Ninja stopped at the door. "It is like the saying Kai. 'If you don't like something, change it.'"

"It isn't that easy," I growled back. "I can't just change my looks and feelings now." What is he expecting? Me to just snap my fingers and go back to being hot, fun, and an awesome older brother to him?

"Than change your attitude!" Lloyd fired back, turning around, clenching his teeth. "What you did back there is unacceptable. You put one of our group in danger and that cannot happen again." He held his hands in front of him. "Do you understand." 

"She isn't one of us."

"Do you understand?!"

I held my gaze with the angry ninja. We stood in silence for a second, tense air circulating around us. I could hear the small clambers of footsteps above us, everyone sitting down for dinner. 

"Fine," I snapped back toward the green man in front of me. "But I don't want her to talk to me." 

Lloyd scoffed. "That is stupid, Kai. She can talk all she wants." I watched as he exited the room. He paused once more. "Jay expects you for supper. Don't back down on your deal." The shimmering sound of his ninja suit disappeared with him as he went down the hallway.

I slammed my fist down on the desk. Did I have everything in control out there? No. But did she deserve the bit of a scare? Yes! Domonique pushed me! She tried to talk to me about Ember and I didn't want that to happen.

I sighed, knowing I was expected for supper and if I didn't want Nya finding out about all my problems right now, I had to go.

Walking down the hallway, I thought about what Lloyd said to me. 'If you don't like something, then change it.' How was I supposed to change this? 

For once in my life I felt completely powerless. There was absolutely nothing I could do to get rid of what happened to me. Even if I dyed my hair to the regular color, it would just grow out. Sure, I could wear contact lenses but my skin would still have a few freckles on the one side of my face.

And how would I get rid of all these memories and stupid feelings that come with these looks? Did Ember really have to love her sister that much? Out on the deck, when I touched Domonique's hand, I knew that Ember would have died for her. 

Would I die for Nya? Sure.

But Dom? I don't know. Out on the balcony, for sure I would have. But now entering the dining room? I think I could watch her drown.

But I wouldn't. Because I am a hero. 

I am a ninja.

"Kai!" Nya's voice snapped me out of my thinking as I walked toward my normal seat. "Cole made duck chowder and Jay saved the day by putting it down the garbage disposal!" I turned toward the Earth Ninja who was glaring at the Blue Ninja, who by the way, was currently using a wrench and shoving it down the snarling disposal. "But then the disposal got jammed."

"Of duck chowder?!" I stated, amazed at the density of that stuff. 

Nya nodded, pointing toward the kitchen again. "Zane is quickly finishing the pancakes now." She whispered in my ear. "He took over from Cole after Jay demanded he make something else. We didn't want something else like the duck chowder happening."

"I can hear you!" Cole pointed out, arms crossed. 

"I believe the batter is still savable!" the white ninja happily exclaimed from the kitchen. "Everything is under control!" Cole hmphed at that.

Domonique was talking with Sensei and Lloyd and she was giggling. I turned and looked at her, her golden hair down to her lower back. Lloyd noticed my glance, narrowing his eyes and putting his arm over her shoulders and turned her slightly away, just so she wouldn't accidently see me. He gave me a cold look.

Nya didn't even seem to notice the glare the Green Ninja gave me. Instead, she cooed. 

"Oh look! I think they are just so cute!"

"Not as cute as us, Sugar Lips Sweets!" Jay came over and held his girlfriends hand. He had seen the scene with Lloyd and figured something was up. "We are perfect." Nya sighed happily.

"Ugh!" I moaned. "Coley-boy, tell me you have a secret stash of that duck chowder. Anything would be better than this!" 

Cole turned red and sputtered a bit. "Um-um what no! NO! Kai why why- why would you even suggest that!? That would be crazy!" He did an insecure laugh. His eyes darted to the fridge.

Nya looked at Jay and then the wrench in the garbage disposal and then Cole, and then at the fridge. Cole looked at her and then at the fridge.

"Wait," I said slowly. "You don't have a stash, do you Cole?" I was flabbergasted. I had suggested it as a joke!

Once again the Earth Ninja stuttered. "Listen guys! No-no."

Nya looked at the fridge once again and Cole squirmed. Then, she booked it, Cole leaping up from his chair and screaming after her. "PLEASE! DON'T OPEN THE FRIDGE! I ONLY SAVED THE GOOD STUFF."

"Jay! Get the garbage disposal working again! QUICKLY!"


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