Ed's Horrible Day

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Lloyds POV

We all settled around the smaller living room, Kai, Nya, Jay, and Cole on the one couch and Dom, myself, and Zane on the other. Sensei Wu stayed on the ship.

Jay's mom, or should I say Edna, offered us cookies and hot chocolate. "Mom, we came about that book you and dad stumbled upon a while ago," Jay started, munching on a cookie. Nya made him pause his sentences until he swallowed the food, and then the blue ninja continued. "It had like a blue gray cover and when Dad opened it you guys called the cops."

Edna threw a glance at Ed, who swallowed his own mouthful. "I-I-I don't know what you are talking about, son."

I narrowed my eyes and spoke up. "The book was called "The Book of Mirroring Lives". " I watched as Edna did a quiet gasp and glanced toward her husband once again. He was paler than normal.

"How did you hear that name?" 

Jay spoke up again. "It is kind of classified but that name was mentioned before and a picture of the book popped up." The blue ninja shifted his weight on the couch. "I sort of remembered seeing part of it before when Dad found it in the junk one day."

Edna sat down heavily. "I was hoping we would just be able to forget that day."

Nya stood up and put her arm on Edna's arm. "Please, Edna. We need to know what that book is about. It is in dangerous hands now."

"It would be very beneficial to us," Zane nodded to Mr. Walker. 

The man ran his hand through his hair and down his face. He took a breathe, scanning the room, looking at all of us with eager faces. He seemed to also check the windows to see if anyone was looking in and I knew that he was pretty shook up with the situation. I put my arm on the couch back, around Dom. I leaned back and waited for him to speak.

"It was just a normal day," the man started. "I was scanning the new arrival dumps as usual. This isn't a dump yard you know," he told us all. "It is a junk yard. Things that are needing drastic repairs or parts for other items. So sorting through the stuff is one of the best parts of the day."

"Until you find a moldy banana," Jay shuddered. Ed let out a laugh.

"Yes." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, as I was pulling out pieces of stuff and items that I could sell or scrap for money, I stumbled across a blue book." The man took a sigh. "I opened it and thought to myself, 'Ed! What a good read! A new book that could be about any crazy adventures. Maybe about aliens! Or a grocery store-'"

"Dad!" Jay whined. "Continue!"

"Ya," Kai spoke up. "We really would like to know what the book is about."

Edna put her arm on Ed's. "Just tell them dear."

Ed glanced around the room again and this time looked at the front door as well. He lowered his voice. We all leaned in.

"It was about mirroring lives."

I narrowed my eyes. Kai leaned back and groaned, putting his hand on his forehead. "Please expand," Zane asked the blue ninja's father.

Ed sighed out. "You don't understand. It was literally about mirroring lives. The knowledge in that book," he shuddered. "Well, I can't remember all of it but I know it was a main recipe for some tea and when you drank that tea," the man gulped. "When you take the tea you would morph into whomever figure you'd like."

"Like complete transformation?" I asked. "They can look like someone?"

"Look, sound, mimic," Jay's father listed. "Apparently they also can access a few key memories."

"But why would someone want to do that?" Nya questioned the man. She looked around the room. "What is the point?"

"They could do terrible things!" Ed shook his head in distress. Edna patted his hand. "The only good thing is that when someone uses the tea, they can only transform into that one person for the rest of their lives."

"How is that a good thing?!" Jay freaked out, standing up from the couch and pacing back and forth. "They can become anyone!"

"But only one person," Zane directed his fact toward Ed, who nodded in confirmation.

Ed spoke again. "And if anyone notices that they are a 'mirror' of someone's life, there is only one way they can break the tea power."

"Which is?" Nya inquired, pulling Jay back down to sit on the couch. The blue ninja panicked ate cookies and Dom gave me a look of concern. I gave her a tight smile back and rested my arm on her shoulders instead of the couch. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kai look.

"I forget."

"YOU FORGET?!" Jay leaped from the couch again. "What do you mean you forget? How do you forget such an important face that could one day save the entire face of the earth?!" 

"Jay! Sit down!" Nya pulled him back down.

"Are you sure you don't remember," Cole questioned the man again. "It is a fact that would be amazing for us to have." He finally spoke up after eating the cookies. 

Ed shook his head. "I'm sorry. I don't even know if I knew. The police got here and took the book."

Cole stood up, stretching a bit. "Thanks for your help Mr. Walker. Without you, we would be that far behind."

"Sorry to have you remember such a horrible memory," Zane told the man. Ed nodded back slowly at the nindroid. He glanced at Edna. Then, he gave us one more piece of advice.

"If there is some evil person who has this book, you need to beware. The 'Mirroring Lives' stands for it's name. Apparently it is almost impossible to know whether or not someone has been mirrored.

We said our goodbyes and stepped back onto the Bounty. Back in the control room, joined by Sensei Wu,  Cole started the conversation. "You know what this means?"

I nodded, my face grim. "If that lady mirrors one of us, it will be almost impossible to know. Without knowing we could feed information to a dangerous source and who knows what she could do with that knowledge!"

"How do we know that someone isn't mirrored already?!" Jay chattered. "Seriously, Cole was the last one to come back from the mission this morning and Kai took a long time in his room getting ready to get off when we arrived at the junkyard." Jay eyed the suspiciously.

Cole jumped in. "Ya but you and Nya were doing updates in the control room afterwards. How do we know that one of you aren't mirrored and that you fed each other information!" And just like that, it was like a choir going off tune. Fingers were pointed and Dom and Nya got into an argument while Kai and Zane glared at each other from across the room.

"ENOUGH!" I bellowed, getting everyone's attention. Sensei Wu nodded his agreement my way and I continued, looking at all the blinking eyes facing me. I took a breath. "First, how do we know that she is going to mirror one of us? Second, if she did or if she does, we need to figure out a way to tell."

Jay voiced his opinion. "Maybe we could make a code?"

"Good thought." I nodded toward the blue ninja. "Let's brainstorm.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading these updates and commenting your opinions and thoughts. I don't think you guys understand how much I love to read them!

Comment what you think or comment on your favorite part! Also, I've been putting Never A Dull Moment Ninjago on Fanfiction.net so if you wanna read it there as well as here, you can!~ :) XD.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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