Chapter 3

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     (If I will ever have to)

I have seen more handsome boys before. it is not like he is the most handsome boy i am seeing, even today. Oh! Don't get me wrong. He is good looking but he is in the category of almost all the boys i have been seeing today but i just can't wave him off which is something i still can't fathom. I mean this is my very first time of seeing him. I tried to push him off my mind but I kept replaying his entering in my mind, adding my own additions and making his entering grand. I was so lost in my own world of imagination that I did not realize Jasmine was sitting beside me.

“Are you okay”? Jasmine’s pink voice brought me out of my world. I have from small learnt to use color for abstract things.

“Um yes I am fine” I tried not to stutter and feigned a smile;

“You were looking lost or are you still worried”?
I smiled and for a cover up

“Common. You don’t have to be. Everything will be okay. You will get used to everyone. Stop worrying”.

Oh yes, I am worrying, but not for what is in Jasmine’s mind. My worry is just too far from her suspicion. I can’t stop worrying as long as red spiky hair keeps holding me down.
Jasmine was busy with her phone, and I was trying to still sip in everything I was seeing, when I saw a green eyed boy standing at my front. His eyes was cold and emotionless, except that of anger.

“a new student”?

“Yes” I managed to keep my gaze straight.

“Holy shit” he muttered and rolled his eyes in disgust before walking away in a rude manner.

“That is him” Jasmine turned to face me just as the green eyed boy left.
“The racist”?

“Yes. Name is ale… Mendes Ally. Just call him Mendes. Unfortunately, he is in humanities department also”. It was obvious Jasmine was trying to hide something but I did not bother her about it. If she does not want me to know, then I will leave her be

“If I will ever have to” I muttered to myself in-between my thought but I was sure Jasmine heard because she raised one of her eyebrows up like ‘how will you not have to when you are stuck with him for three years?’ but I really meant my word. Why on earth will I talk to a racist on my free will?  

The whole lesson period looked bizarre to me. The teachers just came in, explain the lesson, project the note and said they will send the slide to us later. It was only Mr.zayn, the history teacher that wrote notes for us to copy. He looked so strict, compared to other teachers I’ve met so far and I concluded almost immediately when I saw him that I can’t like him.

Break was for an hour. I went to the field during break. Not like I am interested in sport, but I just decided to go, or maybe it was a function of my enthusiasm. I met different people playing different indoor games in the game room, immediately after the reception. Angela and I went to the field while three of my friends went to play games, Daniela excluded. I got bored after about 20 minutes and I went back to the class.

I did not know how I did not notice that the racist is sitting down beside me. I felt an inner coldness and my heart jumped as soon as I saw him sitting alone in the class in the seat next to mine. I tried to just ignore him, but I could almost not fight the urge to look at his side. Not because of any other thing, but to just know his reaction to seeing me alone with him in the class.

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