Chapter 6

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(Everyone knows he bumped into you)

Whoa. Despite the fact that she tried to avoid Mendez, read on and see what happened in this chapter. Fate brought them together😤😧😨.

“Oh my fucking God!  Are you blind? Why can’t you just watch where you are going? Must that silly body of yours touch me? See my books scattered all over the floor. What is the issue with you? I have tried my possible best to avoid you. Can’t you just see it? I have always known black is a disaster, both the color and the race”. Mendes fulminated standing at my front at the class’ entrance.

I was so stunned that I could feel I was almost turning white. The attention I was getting increased the heat inside that could not help itself to break out as sweat on my forehead. I tried my possible best to stay out Mendes. The most hurting part was that he was the wrong one.

He was the one that should have watched where he was going.

“Oh don’t talk like that” I felt anger rushing through me that I was sure my pulse increased at the sight and voice of Swizy. She brushed me, still standing at the door and facing Mendes just to obviously humiliate me. “Black is not a disaster. At least, Barrack Obama, the former president of the United State of America is a black and she was so smart to be awarded a scholarship. So, why will you call black a disaster”? The emphasis she laid on every single word made me feel like I should slit her throat but I just controlled myself and left the place awkwardly before she finished talking. At least, it was something that Mendes paid no attention to her and left at the middle of her words.

She went out of the class after she finished talking and I was not surprised she left probably her class just to pick on someone.

I felt so awkward and I could still feel stares boring holes into me even on my seat. I was so pale and hot. I could not stand up to defend myself. If there is one thing I hate, it is Injustice and I can’t believe I let that happen.

Right on my seat, I started imagining things I could have done and I got angrier. It was like the realization of what happened was dawning on me afresh and. I tried to prevent the tears from coming but I could not just help.

I felt a light touch and I shrieked. I quickly cleaned my tears to prevent further embarrassment.

“Are you okay”? I heard Jasmine’s pink voice.

Without raising my head, I nodded.

“I wanted to come and meet you immediately you sat down but that will increase the attention so, I decided to wait till when people start doing their things before I come”. By now, I had shifted for her and she was already sitting.

“Thank you” I could not still prevent the break in my voice.

“Everyone knows he bumped into you”. Jasmine said and I felt someone scout beside her. Before I could think of who it was, I heard Angela’s voice.

“And everyone knows Swizy is a fool”.
Their sympathy made me more furious.

How much of a fool is the both of them; Mendes and Swizy.

“How did she know you are on
scholarship”? Angela asked

“I spilled that out yesterday” I wanted to say I mistakenly but I later remembered that it was not a mistake. I continued. “They annoyed the life out of me yesterday and they forced me to look stupid”

“They came to meet you”? Angela asked.

“Yes, yesterday. They were asking me what brought me to England and I foolishly spilled it and…” I started thinking of any other thing that happened “They were just ranting” I shrugged and  I made sure I did not mention the part of them talking thrash about blacks because I knew it would annoy me the more. “But don’t worry, I am fine” I creaked a fake smile.

“Everything will be okay”. Jasmine gasped like she still has something to say but had to stop because a teacher entered the class.

‘Bye for now’ Angela said before leaving the class.
*        *

“Seriously, I really don’t know what is wrong. I like Marcus, he likes my friend. Those idiots came to spoil my mood and appetite. And now” I paused “Mendes. Can’t he just accept the blame? He was aggressive through all the periods and I know that can be the reason. I mean, he is just being so unreasonable. If he expects me to come begging, he is making a mistake. The fact that I did not talk does not mean affliction will rise up the second time”.

I laughed sardonically at my near biblical allusion, the one I heard from Chioma back in Nigeria. I ranted and raved, recalling all that had been happening, that is not soothing me. “Whatever” I muttered to myself and ensconced myself on my bed. I brought out my phone and started playing my favorite choices game when I remembered I told Jasmine I will be coming to the cafeteria after resting for a while in the hostel. I decided to message her that I will not be able to come since I have no appetite.

I can’t come to the cafeteria


I have no appepipe
And I’m not in the mood

Maybe I should not have added that one anyway.

Is it because of Mendes?

Kind of

common, forget it

yh, thanks
I mostly just feel like sleeping
I am okay.



Okay, take care


I did not wait for reply. I just went offline. Really, the main problem is not what Mendes did for me. that just shuffled the cards and brought the main problem up.

The main problem is that I am jealous of Mirabelle Greene.

Hey everyone, I know this chapter is short compared to the remaining ones but hope you enjoyed it? Please don’t forget to vote and comment, if you have one

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Hey everyone, I know this chapter is short compared to the remaining ones but hope you enjoyed it? Please don’t forget to vote and comment, if you have one.
But why will Mendes intentionally bump into her? Damn... This guy is really bent in making life miserable for her.
Why should he??? Because Mendes is not a kind if person who loves trouble but he hates Sally than he will hate a normal black. Maybe he knows her from somewhere or...
Just read on😛😛💓💞

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