
165 7 0

1st December, 2013

“Have you seen how the bed looks in the bedroom?” Ashton asked running into the living room from the back of the apartment. He had a wild look in his eyes and he’d been talking nonstop since he picked me up this morning.

“Yeah, Ash.” I said as I struggled with a box of plates we’d bought last week. For a guy Ashton had really good taste in where things like candles and napkins should go. “We were here yesterday.” I said as he followed me into the kitchen.

“I can't believe we’re doing this!” He squealed as he started packing plates into the cupboards.

“Ashton.” I giggled as I started putting forks into drawers. Ashton had insisted we pack everything away when we moved in and not before like any other normal person would do to avoid the hassle of having to unpack everything the same day. “Calm down. We’re just living together.”

Ashton turned around and beamed at me and I bit my bottom lip, holding back a squeal. “Exactly.” He said before turning around and continuing packing the cupboards.


I had just come out of the bathroom and I was about to go collapse on the couch because I was extremely exhausted. We had just finished the majority of the packing and we only had the guest and master bedroom to sort out.

My head was down as I tried to tighten the string on my pajama shorts. When I looked up I had to take a step back because of what I saw.

“What the actual fuck?!” I asked when my tongue started working again.

“What?” Ashton asked innocently looking up from his spot on the couch.

“That drum set. I said pointing to Ashton’s drum set that was in the corner of the living room. I had gotten it for him on his birthday and I’ve never seen him so happy before. The drums were shit but he didn’t seem to care. He loved that thing way too much and I never understood why.

“Oh.” Ashton smiled before turning around and smiling at the drum set. He turned back and his smiled got bigger. “It looks amazing there! Don’t you think so?”

“Like hell it does!” I said scowled at the set that was like a sore eye in the room. “Move it Ashton. That is not staying there.”

“But why?”

Because!” I said dropping on the couch next to him. “It just can't Ashton. It doesn’t match anything here and it just looks out of place.”

“I want it out front. It’s my most prized possession.” He said leaning in to leave a lingering kiss on my cheek.

“But Ashton...” I started giving him a light shove. “It’s ugly.”

“You were the one who got it for me!” He argued throwing his hands up and letting them fall to his sides.

“Exactly.” I said smiling at him. “That’s how I know it’s ugly. Would you find someplace for it. Please?” I pouted at him and batted my eyelashes.

“Don’t you try to pull that face.” Ashton said crossing his hands over his chest. “That drum set looks pretty sick there. Besides, everyone is gonna think it looks badass when they come over and see it.”

“By everyone do you mean the three friends you have? Because that isn’t a proper argument. There’s something seriously wrong with you and your friends.” Ashton made a long whiny song and I rolled my eyes. He wasn’t budging. “Babbbbbbbbbeeeee. Please move it.”

“But it’s not fair!” Ashton whined.

“What’s not fair?”

“I don’t have an ugly couch like normal guys. You know; that one couch they have that they want in the living room that’s just disgusting and their girlfriend hates it.”


“Sooooo.” Ashton started and I made myself comfortable because I was ready to hear this persuasion. “I don’t have an ugly couch I'm forcing you to put in the middle of the place. I just have this lovely drum set that my wonderful girlfriend; who I happen to love with every fibre of my being, got for me. Is it such a bad thing that I want this reminder where I and everyone who comes here can see it? Think about it babe; when people come over, they’ll ask about it and I will tell them the story about the drum set with so much love and admiration in my eyes that-”

“Ashton?” I said interrupting him.


“It’s not staying in the living room.


“It can go in one of the guest rooms with the rest of your shit.”

“What shit?!” Ashton asked defensively and I started laughing.

“You know... all that crap you collect. Your drums will fit perfect in that room. Plus I think that room is sound proof so I won’t hear when you bang on those drums.”

“Is our bedroom also sound proof?” Ashton asked leaning in to nibble at my neck. “I don’t want the neighbours hearing when I bang on-”

“Ashton Irwin!” I squealed hitting his chest making him laugh loudly. His hands started travelling up my leg and I looked down at it.

“I love you babe.” Ashton whispered leaning in to kiss my cheek.

“The drum set is still going in the back room.” I mumbled and Ashton moved his hand off my thigh and groaned.






I Remember Us ~ ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now