
173 8 1

31st May, 2011

“Dude, are you sure you don’t wanna call it a night?” I asked Ashton who was basically falling over on his face. We were all in one of the local pubs because we had decided that it would be the perfect end to the shit they each of them had. Apparently Ashton’s day was a whole lot worse because he insisted of drinking his body weight in alcohol and he was even having trouble sitting up.

“Nah.” Ashton slurred with a huge grin on his face. “I'm perfectly okay right here, Mikey.” He giggled hitting the seat he was in.

“I don’t think you are.” Luke said rubbing his fingers in his eyes. He was probably trying to sober up but I know Luke and that was not going to help him. He would probably end up crashing at my place tonight.

Ashton nodded excitedly then stopped and placed his hand on his head. “Whoa. The room is spinning like some sort of carnival ride.”

“That’s because you’re drunk as fuck.” Calum said rolling his eyes. He had drunk as much as Luke yet he didn’t even seem to be fazed. 

“I'm not drunk.” Ashton said looking around the pub for God knows what. I was just hoping he won’t get up and wander off. It was getting late and we all... well, Luke, Calum and I all had work in the morning. If we let Ashton out of our sight; we would not be able to find him. Calum and I would probably have to flip a coin to see who would have to take care of Ashton.

“Hey!” He yelled turning around to slap my back. I jerked forward and ended up spilling the rest of my drink. I took it as a sign that I probably needed to stop.

“What the fuck, Ashton?”

“Look!” He said turning around to point at a girl that was sitting at a table by herself. I noticed that posture anywhere. She had a drink in her hand and her feet were up on the table; as they always were whenever I saw her. She had her jeans rolled up again and she wasn’t wearing any socks with that beat up white converse she always wore so I could see the dream catcher tattoo on her ankle; even though it was relatively dark. Her headphones were in her ears as usual and her ankle and head were jamming to whatever tune she was listening to.

“You gonna go talk to her?” I asked Ashton and he nodded enthusiastically; probably from all the alcohol in his system. He motioned for me to move so he could get out of his seat.

“Where are you going?” Luke asked leaning over the table and taking a sip of what was left in Ashton’s glass. That sip turned into a gulp and he ended up finishing the glass and burping loudly making Ashton laugh.

“I'm going over there.” Ashton said turning over and pointing to the girl. “The one with the really cute ankle tattoo.”

“How drunk are you?” Calum asked because even he knew a girl like that wasn’t really what guys like Ashton should be interested in. “I mean... look at her?”

“I am looking at her. What’s wrong with her?”

“Nothing. That’s exactly my point. She looks fucking cool.”

“I don’t follow.”

“Ashton, no offense but you work in a book store. This girl is in a pub and she’s too cool to get drunk to the music in here. She looks like she doesn’t even give a shit about anything.”

“I already talked to her.” Ashton shrugged like it wasn’t even a big deal. “She even asked for my name... you know; my name.”

“Wow.” Calum said already bored. “You two should fuck.”

“Hey!” Ashton said leaning over Luke to hit Calum’s shoulder. “Don’t talk about her like that! She’s an actual person.”

“Yeah, she’s and actual person who’s actually hot and actually out of your league. I don’t like this one bit.”

I Remember Us ~ ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now