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Worst. Luck. Ever.

It's even worse because I'm in ninth grade and I just started high school.

Yesterday after school is what's really bugging me. And was super embarrassing.

So yesterday I had an orthodontist appointment. Yeah, I have braces. And brown shaggy hair that cover my icy blue eyes. I'm not the best looking guy in high school and neither are the others guys in my grade. Anyway, I went into the office and walked over but I stepped into trash can while going over to the desk to tell the receptionist I was there.

Unfortunately someone thought it was a good idea to have wads and wads of gum before they were called in, so I had the wads and wads of gum stuck to my sneaker in the trash can. The worst part was that I couldn't take my sneaker out when I tried to. People were looking at me like I was crazy. I probably made some weird faces. So I had to either get my braces adjusted with a trash can on my right foot or go in sockfoot. (Ya know, like barefoot only with socks on) So I decided to go in sockfoot. Well that was a big mistake, like a BIG mistake.

Apparently they were having an issue with the sinks next to the chairs, so there was water all over the floor. Not the best time to go sockfoot.

They try to get me to a chair but of course the nearest ones are already taken, so I had to trek through the two inches of spilled water to get to the other side of the room. My pant legs were soaked and my socks were so wet it felt like I went into a pool with them on.

The chair I laid in wasn't in the best condition, so it went back farther than it was supposed to, so I was basically doing a backbend in an orthodontist patient chair bed thing.

So the orthodontist assistant I had wasn't my usual one 'cause he was working on an other patient. This woman started taking my bands off and taking my wire off. The disgusting part was that she was talking to the others cleaning up the water And didn't have one of those face covers on. So her spit was flying everywhere. I don't even want to get into the details. Yuck. Turns out she was horrible with the wires and poked me every time she tried putting it in. Hard. I swear I tasted blood.

Finally one of the actual orthodontists came over and started working on all of the details of my dental problem. Of course this is my life and I have very bad luck, so he had a cold. Like a coughing, sneezing, runny nose kinda thing going on. So all I saw was this guy with a runny nose, sniffing every once and awhile with bloodshot eyes, flushed cheeks, and (this is the gross part) overly long nose hairs. I mean seriously, how is that even possible?! I don't even have nose hairs compared to his. I can still see him when my hair covers my face. I better get my braces off soon or have my luck change 'cause this isn't happening anymore.

After he does everything he needs to do with my braces, blowing his nose occasionally (thank God), I get to attempt to get up.

That was a mistake. Apparently the orthodontist with the cold and overly long nose hairs finds the button that raises the chair to its normal angle, but it does it abnormally fast. So it felt like I time warped or something. My back hurt so bad after that. Do 15-year-olds get back pains? Probably from homework and the overdoses of projects and - more homework.

So I walk through the relatively shallow water spillage. I considered the fact that they only had those cheap paper towel things in the bathroom so I guess they did a good job at cleaning it up. I'm surprised that nothing or anybody got electrocuted because of the water and the electronic chairs and stuff. I was wrong. I was just about to go out of the room when someone was vacuuming up the water. Don't you expect someone who's trained in orthodontics to know how to clean up a leak?

Seriously. So anyway I wasn't watching where I was going so I accidentally step on the cord with my soaked sock and I did feel anything at first, but then I felt how the turkeys feel on Thanksgiving in the oven. Or when Ben Franklin got electrocuted by the kite with the key in the thunderstorm - if that's even real.

I was fine, a little fazed but fine. Not gonna lie but I've had worse. So I go into the waiting room and sit down. Now I got even more crazy-faced people staring at me, so I decided going into the bathroom to look in the mirror was a good idea. I really didn't want to look into that mirror.

My hair was sticking out everywhere and it was like someone put hair gel into it and made spikes. Luckily I could smooth it out, but it made my hair look even more ridiculous. It was like a mini afro. I just went with it until my mom said it was time to leave the orthodontist.

Remember my sneaker stuck in the trash can? Well we had to bring the trash can home and cut open it and remove my sneaker. After that I didn't want to wear that pair anymore.

I took a shower when I got home to see if my hair would smooth out and luckily it did.

Unfortunately my older sister, Sadie, took a shower before and used all of the hot water so I had to take a cold shower. I hated it. It was like I was swimming in the Arctic Ocean.

We were having tacos and my little brother Toby was flying tomatoes, lettuce, and shredded cheese all over the kitchen. But he was flying it in my direction so all of his crap was flying onto my dinner. All of a sudden he found this gigantic tomato in the salsa and threw it at me at full force, straight for my face. It landed on my nose like a clown nose.

I really hated yesterday. I bet people took pictures of me and posted them on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and all the other social media I can't name. Everybody does that to me. I could be viral if I wanted to make my life into a joke.

But I don't want my life to be a joke. I want to live my life to the fullest, no matter how hard it is. And I'm making it through life very painfully. Very painfully.

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