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I'm in my room. I check the door and its locked. Good, so no one knows. I check the time and it's only been 15 minutes again. I guess if I stayed there forever and I returned here, would only 15 minutes go by? What if I come back when I'm 25 years old but I'm supposed to be 15? I don't want to be a lab rat.

Tomorrow I have school. We had a break from school. So I have to go tomorrow, and do homework. Yay...

I open the door and see that there's DARTS stuck in it. I was wondering when Toby would come back for me and try to kill me. Again.
"Mom!" I yell down the stairs.

"Yeah Peter?" She says, probably down in the kitchen.

"Toby's darts are stuck in my door."


"Yeah. They're impaled into my door like a quarter of an inch!"

"No way," I hear my mom say before she comes up the stairs and looks at my door. "We locked the darts in a cabinet high enough that he couldn't reach it."

"I guess that cabinet wasn't Toby-proof."

"I guess," She sighs and starts taking the darts out one by one. How can a four year old do that? Well then again it's my brother we're talking about. I start helping her take out the darts. There was at least 20 darts stuck in my door.

When we were done, my door looked like it came in contact with a porcupine. I decided to put a poster onto my door to cover the holes.

I decide I should work on my homework and go to bed early. Like midnight early.

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