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After my dad, Toby, and Saige leave, I'm left with silence. I threw out my lemonade after a few sips 'cause I felt sick. I had to change into a new gown the next time Doctor Warren came in 'cause I felt uncomfortable. It was even more uncomfortable when I had to change. He had to leave the room but the door still had a glass window that's warped so you can't see through it clearly. But I'm pretty sure he could see through. Ugh. I hate that thought.

Anyway, I went back to formulating a plan to escape. I could pile the chairs up high enough that I could get to the window and escape. The only flaw to any of my plans is that I have absolutely no idea how high my room is from the ground. It could be a floor above the ground but it also could be 20 floors above. It scares me that I might be formulating a plan that will have me killed.

I found out earlier that they injected me with a serum that prevented me from moving the first few days I was here. For some reason they didn't inject it into me today or I guess it wore off. I guess that's why Doctor Warren checks on me. To inject me with a serum that keeps me semi-paralyzed. I guess it wears off every two hours 'cause that's about when Doctor Warren visits. Sometimes I'm awake and sometimes I'm not when he injects me with it. He says its a healing serum that speeds up the process. Yeah right Doctor Warren. You're not fooling anyone, especially your patient, me.

I'm guessing it's been two hours 'cause Doctor Warren comes into my room with my clipboard in his hand. No syringe. For now. I hope.

"Hello Peter. I have some very good news," says Doctor Warren in his very calming voice. How does his voice sound calm when he's talking about serious matters? "You're finally able to go home."

I can't hide my happiness. I smile and sit up. I can't wait until I get home. I can tell Jax about my past few days. He'll understand.

"You can also go to school, but you are relieved of homework for the future week, for your brain to adjust," Doctor Warren tells me.

Cool so I can still go to school, but I don't have homework. Can this get any better? Or worse?

My mom comes into the room, after Doctor Warren left, and gives me a pair of actual clothes. Thank God. I was starting to get tired of my cheap paper gown. I change into a t-shirt and some jeans. While I was putting on my sweatshirt, my mom leaves the room. She also brought in my phone so I go on it and check my texts.

I have some group messages with my friends so I can see what they've been texting back and forth. I check the conversation and see that everything's the same, homework and school projects I don't know about.

My mom comes into the room and says we have to go. She says to the receptionist that I'm leaving. For good. We get into the car and drive back home.

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