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I open my eyes with the box in my right hand and my phone in my left. I check the time. It's 6:45. It's only been 15 minutes? It felt like an hour. I'm in the closet where I was before I flipped the switch. I put the black box in my pocket for safety until I get into my room. I leave the closet and go up the stairs. My dad's looking through a drawer in the kitchen. We call it the "junk drawer" 'cause it has junk like screwdrivers, batteries, and all sorts of stuff like that.
"Hey Peter, have you seen the Exacto knife?" my dad asks.

Oh jeez. I threw that at Christie and left it there. Three centuries into the future.
"Nope haven't seen it," I say, totally lying to him. I go into my room and lock the door.

I go over to my desk and pull the black box from my pocket. It makes me curious and I want to know what it is. I turn it over in my hands, running my hands along the switch and edges. Then someone knock on my door.
"Hey Peter, can I come in?" asks my mom through the door. I panic. I haven't told anyone yet. I quickly shove it into one of my desk drawers.

"Yeah," I reply, going to the door and unlocking it. My mom comes in and sits on my bed. I go back to my desk chair. Blocking my desk with my torso.

"Where were you?" asks my mom, searching for an explanation on my face. I guess I show my expressions very clearly on my face.




"Because I want to know where you go Peter," she says sternly. "Peter tell me."

My mind stops. Do I tell her I went three centuries into the future? I probably should keep this a secret...for now. "I went for a walk," I say with an expressionless face looking at her.

"You're lying to me."

"What?" I say surprised. I want to show her I have no clue what she's talking about.

"Because you never checked with anyone that you were leaving the house and nobody heard the door," she says.

"I went out the back door quietly 'cause I wanted to clear my mind from losing repeatedly in my game on my computer," I tell her, looking her in her eyes. They're an aquamarine color. "I don't need permission either. I'm fifteen mom!"

She leaves the room and closes the door. That was really strange. Does she know about the box? I hope she doesn't suspect me that I have it. I open my drawer where I put the box and hold it in my hand. I want to return there, but what if Christie's waiting for me on the granite hill, wanting to slice my throat open from attacking her? I don't want to die three centuries into the future. I don't want to die period.

I decide to go back and go with the courage I can muster. After all, she's my "protector".

I flip the switch and the room goes black.

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