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I head over to my desk and go on my computer for who knows how long. Then eventually my mom has to fish me out of my trance.
"Come on Peter, you have to get off of your computer and get outside," said my mom.

"NO. I'm not going outside AGAIN," I say to her, still looking at the computer screen.

"Why were you outside today?" She asks.

"Umm. No reason," I said, absently.

"Peter, why were you outside?" she asks me more sternly.

"I threw my blankets out of the window 'cause there was a robin in my room," I replied.

"What did you do to the robin that made you throw your blankets out the window?" She asks.

"It umm...was on my chest and I threw my blankets over it and flung it out the window..." I say, hesitantly.

"Is that why your blankets are in the laundry basket?" She asks.


"We're going to buy you new blankets."


"Because you're sitting here like a log, immersed in your computer and won't go outside. We're going to the store."

"Do I have to?"


"Can I not go?" I plead. She drags me out of my bedroom, down our junk filled stairs, out to the car, and into the front seat.

We arrive in the parking lot and I open the door and step out.

What's with people and gum? I step into yet ANOTHER wad of gum and inevitably get my sneaker stuck AGAIN. What are the chances? I have to yell to my mom 'cause she's already walking toward the store. "MOM! MY SNEAKER'S STUCK IN GUM AGAIN!"

She turns around and runs towards me.
"How'd this happen?" She asks.

"I stepped in gum. Kinda like a pattern I guess," I reply.

"Let's try to get your sneaker off the ground."

"Sounds good."

So I try pulling my foot off the ground but that just stretches the gum even farther. That idea didn't work so I took off my shoe and tugged at it. Still didn't work. My mom and I finally got it off with a razor blade and a toothpick. I didn't even know gum was that sticky. We spent way too much time on that 'cause it was already 3:30 and it was 3:00 when we left. I put my sneaker on and we go into the store.

We browse for some time and I find these really cool blankets and we got them. Then we walked back to the car, avoiding the gum, and drove back home.

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