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"Now I haven't finished it yet Jess," says Noah.

"Ok. Continue," she says.

"Anyway, the Purest could wipe away the killer, but The Alliance, as it is now, is trying to eradicate the Purest. That's why most of the Purest were sent to different time frames in history to prevent the destruction of the killer enhancer. These Purest were equipped with a protector in the real world to defend them once they could travel to the real world via black box.

"Every Purest was sent into history with a black box. Then, the guardians of the Purest hid the box until it was time for them to give it to the Purest. At the right time to come together and destroy The Alliance.

"Unfortunately, some of the protectors ...let's say...disappeared. The Alliance somehow killed off the protectors until they were no more. Or that's what they thought.

"The Purest were somehow clumped together into one time frame with only one black box to transport them.

"Ok so, there are in total seven Purest left. Of course, there were more but they were...eradicated. We need all seven to save the planet we now stand on as Earthe. Each Purest have a...defect. In some cases, death. Some have good or bad luck, horrible eyesight, attention issues, I could go on and on.

"Anyway, back to the story. So they were in the same time frame with a higher percentage of being killed or caught by The Alliance. The Purest are drawn to each other and can easily make friendships. One of them was able to get their hands on a black box, before the guardian found out, and traveled back and forth, looking at the real world we are in now. The Purest transported the other five Purest over and they are standing in front of us now," says Noah, finishing his story and looking at us.

Everything applies to my life.

I found the black box.
I was here more than once.
I brought my friends over.
I heard this story.
I am Pure.
I still don't get it.

"Wait so if there's seven Purest alive, where's the seventh?" asks Kevin. He finally didn't interrupt Noah and Noah's slightly less annoyed.

"We don't know," says Jess. "No one knows."

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