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"How's school Peter?" asks my mom from across the dinner table. Sophie and Jax decided to stay for dinner.

"Good," I say in between mouthfuls of chicken.

The rest of dinner was silent or I just wasn't paying attention. Toby was playing with his food, flinging it all over the place just like a normal four-year-old.

"Hey, wanna finish homework?" Jax's done eating, so is Sophie.

"Sure." We get up from the table, put our plates in the sink, and go to my room. When I close the door, Jax immediately starts talking.

"Wanna go?"

"Go where?" I probably sound confused.

"You know, the place."

"Oh yeah, the place," I reply, using air quotes and rolling my eyes.

He punches me in the shoulder. "Dude, I'm serious. We should go."

"Why can't we wait until after school tomorrow?" I rub my shoulder.

"Fine. Plus Kevin, Adam, and Annabeth will be there too."

Jax's phone vibrates and he looks at the screen. "Ah shoot! My mom's so angry."


" 'Cause she didn't know I was here." He's clearly annoyed now.

"I thought she said you could stay for dinner."

"I guess not. Well, I'll see you guys later. I guess." He picks up his stuff and leaves my room.

"So..," I start saying to Sophie, keeping my eyes on the ground and turning towards where she was last. "Do you need to go now too?"

"No, I can stay. If you want."

Sophie and I finished our homework, and she left 'cause her mom came to pick her up.

"Bye Peter!" she says as she runs to her car across the yard.

"Bye Soph!" I yell back from the front door.

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