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Does every patient in a hospital feel like a caged animal like I am right now? That sensation is growing with every passing second. I'm smart enough to get out. I'm smart. C'mon Peter think of something. Now I feel stupid talking to myself. I need company. I need something. Something. Anything, but Toby. Then I hear the door click open and guess who comes rushing through the doorway? TOBY! Yay... Then trailing him is my dad and Saige is in the doorway, on her phone.
"Hey Peter. Toby really wanted to see you so I decided we should stop by and give you a visit," says my dad happily.

"Cool. Just keep Toby at a distance ok? I've had enough pain today, and three days ago," I tell him.

"Ok Peter. Hey Toby, let's play sit down in a chair and stay still. Ok?" my dad says to Toby and picks him up and sits him on a chair, Toby still happily playing with his toy truck. I hate that toy truck. Can I burn it now? I think I've earned that privilege from his torture.

"Hey Peter," says Saige, coming into the room after looking at social media or something on her phone.

"Hey," I reply.

"How do you feel?"

"Fine. Stable. Whatever."

"Are you ok? You don't look so good."

I don't actually feel that well not that she mentions that. My stomach's been doing flips ever since I ended up in this cage. "I don't feel too good," I end up saying.

"Should we get him something like soda for him dad? Dad?" says Saige to my dad who's playing with Toby to keep him occupied.

"Huh? What? Oh sure we can but I don't know what Peter can have so we'll have to check with the doctor," says my dad, holding the devilish toy truck. I hate that thing. "Who's the doctor who checks on you every once and awhile?"

For a second I can't remember but then I remember the neat brown hair combed to the side and the calmness to his voice. I don't get a very good vibe from him if you know what I mean. "Doctor Warren," I say.

"Ok. We'll be right back. Saige you can stay here with Peter while I'm gone with Toby," says my dad, leaving the room with Toby on his shoulders. Man I wish I could get out of this bed but I can't make myself do that 'cause I feel like I'm tied to the bed. Plus I'm too lazy right now. And foggy-headed. "What time is it Saige?"

"It's 4:00 Peter," Saige says.

"Time flies when your in a hospital right?" I say, trying to bring some happiness into the room but apparently my dad left with all of it.

"Right. Whatever."

"Whatcha doin'?"


"Aww. But it's so BORING here, can't you tell me something?" I say, trying to plead.



My dad and Toby come back into the room with sodas. Unfortunately there's only three: two regulars and one kiddy size. "Sorry Peter. Doctor Warren says you can't have anything that's caffeinated," says my dad, sounding sad. "Instead I brought you some lemonade. Doctor Warren said it was ok for you to have liquids like lemonade," says my dad, changing his mood like a snap of his fingers, and brings my lemonade over. I take a few sips and it tastes really good considering that I haven't had anything in three days.

"Peter!" says Toby. Oh God this can't be good, I know it.

"What Toby?" I ask, rolling my eyes and not caring.




"What were you gonna say?"

"Peter. Play."

Before anyone could stop him, Toby runs to my hospital bed and throws his soda onto my lap, the cap falling off, spilling over my blanket and through it, and soaking my gown beneath the blanket. Great. I'm stuck in a bed, not able to move, and has a wet gown on.
"TOBY!" I yell. I can't help it. I can't take him anymore. He gives me his puppy eyes for a couple moments, then bursting into tears.
"Oh come ON!" I yell.

"Peter lay off," says my dad, picking up Toby and rocking him back and forth. He turns around and I can see Toby's devilish grin over my dad's shoulder. Ugh. I can't punch a four year old. I wish I could though.

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