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I got out of the car and went to the back of the car to open the trunk. When I pressed the button, the trunk door slammed into my face in an instant. It was like getting electrocuted again but only in the face and worse. Gosh that hurt. I probably had a stunned face 'cause my mom ran to me.
"Are you okay Peter?!"asks my mom. I stand in silence because of shock.



I finally came to my senses and answered her.
"Yeah mom?"

"Oh my gosh you scared me to death!" She exclaimed and wrapped her arms around me for a hug. It felt good to be hugged. She was probably so worried about me getting hurt or a concussion.

Then the pain comes.

My head starts to feel on fire and I drop to my knees, gripping my head in my hands.

"Peter are you okay?" asks my mom.

I can't respond with all of the pain I'm in so I just shake my head saying that I'm not okay.

She has a very worried look on her face and slams the trunk closed and puts me into the front seat of the car. Then she speeds out of the driveway and we go to the hospital. That's all I remember before I blacked out.

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