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Oh jeez. I didn't even remember about my life in my time. I freeze in my tracks with Christie behind me.

"What's wrong Peter?" she asks me, looking in my eyes for an explanation.

"I have to go back," I say, coming to my senses and looking into her eyes.

"Ok. When you come back I'll fill you in," she says. "Bye."

"Bye. For now," I say, winking at her just as I flip the switch. I swear I saw a smile from her. I've never seen her smile.

I'm in my room. I immediately take off my clothes and put them where I put them last time. I put on my clothes that I was wearing. It's later than I thought. I do my homework and go to bed.

I wake up and I go to school. It rained overnight and there were huge puddles. I rushed out the door and ran in at least five of them.

My sneakers were soaked when I got to school. I ignored most of my classes and came to my senses at lunch.

"Hey," I say, sitting down at our table. Everyone was picking at their food like they didn't want to eat. I knew I screwed something up. "What'd I do?"

Everybody's still staring at their food. I turn to Annabeth.

"What's wrong?" I ask her firmly enough so that I don't sound like a dictator.

"You... didn't come over," Jax started to say, still looking at his food, "WHEN I SPAMMED YOU WITH TEXTS!" Jax suddenly yells. At me. Mad for some reason.

"Basically Jax wanted to have a party and it was a really fun party. He had something really cool, something that you would especially like but you never came. He called, texted, emailed you and you never replied. We're all sad 'cause you've never swept away something we've done together," Annabeth explained. Now I feel horrible.

"I'm so sorry guys. I just didn't know-" I start.

"No need to explain Peter. We all know you're tired of your friend group and want to drift away," Jax interjects.

"That's not at all what I was gonna say!"


"Are we gonna act like four-year-olds or actually forgive each other?" I ask around the table.

"I prefer to act like a four-year-old," Jax says, crossing his arms and turns away from me.

"How can I make it up to you?" I ask around the table. Adam, Sophie, and Kevin are picking at their food. I've never seen them so glum, especially Sophie.

"I don't know Peter. Something awesome, let's just leave it at that," says Jax.

I just got an idea.

"Hey, can you guys come over after school?" I ask.

"Sure. What if we ditch you Peter?" asks Jax.

"Then you don't get to see it," I reply.

"Fine. I'm coming," says Jax, scooping in a spoonful of jello into his mouth.

"Me too," says Adam.

"Count me in," says Kevin, looking up from his food.

"I'm in," says Sophie, cleaning up her place and throwing out her trash.

"Are you in Annabeth?" I ask her.

"Or do you want to study and do boring homework to get A's?" teases Adam.

"I'll come," Annabeth says, glaring at Adam.

"Cool! Meet me outside school after last period," I say before I run to my next class. I just see them wave to me. I hope they actually forgave me, and not just to be fake.

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