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I appear right before their very eyes. The entire cafeteria and the principal. She crosses her arms and has a stern face.

"Come with me mister," she says and leads me down the hallway towards her office.

We walk inside the small office and I sit in front of her desk.

"What did you just do?" she asks me. She has her hands neatly folded in front of her on her desk.

"Do what?" I say.

"You know Peter Ceiler, that the disappearance of another student has the potential of expelling you or even putting you into prison."

"No ma'am."

"It's very serious, as you might know."

"Mmm hmm."


"Oh I meant, yes ma'am."

Just before she started her next sentence, there was a knock on the door. She walks up, smooths her jacket, and opens the door.

A man in a suit and has a briefcase walks inside the room. He has neatly trimmed teal-colored hair that sweeps just over his forehead. He also has glasses on.


How'd he get here?

"Hello ma'am, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I will have to take Peter," Noah says smoothly.

"Sorry sir but we were in a very serious conversation and you cannot just walk into this room and demand to take him away."

"Oh yes I can." And before the principal can do anything else, Noah takes a pen-like instrument from his pocket and presses a button. It flashes a green light and the principal falls behind her desk.

"What the heck was that?!" I say stunned.

"No time for explaining. We have to go," Noah replies and starts to tug on my arm.

"Wait. Can I have an explanation?"

"Now." I turn to look at him and his eyes have turn stone cold. He strides out of the room and I run after him.

Noah's walking like a normal human being but I have to jog beside him.

"What are we doing?" I say in between breaths.

"Leaving." His eyes are still transfixed on the doors on the opposite side.


"Yes. Permanently."

"Permanently?! I have a family and a li-"

Noah stops and I turn to face him. He looks me straight into my eyes.

"You have to understand Peter that this isn't your real life. You were implemented into this time for the sake of safety. You don't belong here."

I stare into his gray eyes and he stares back.

"Anyway, let's hurry. We'll miss our chance." He runs down the hallway. In his suit and tie.

What a guy.

"What are you waiting for Peter?!" he yells at me.

"Sorry!" and I run towards him. Just as I slow down, he does something and is in his clothes I saw him in at The Shaft. "How'd you do that?!"

"I said, 'No time for explaining,' right?"

"Yeah. Okay."

He presses a button on his briefcase and it shrinks in size to form a glasses case. He quickly takes his glasses off and puts them inside.


He holds up his hand before I can finish my sentence, and runs through the doors.

We run into the now empty cafeteria and see my friends waiting for us. Annabeth looks at us and waves.

We slow to a jog and stop in the group.

"Can I have an explanation?" I finally ask Noah and cross my arms.

"Okay fine. You basically don't belong here anymore, well Peter doesn't-"

"Hey!" I interrupt.

"and The Alliance has figured out where in time you are. They are coming after you here so we'll go back to the present and train you guys up before it's too late," Noah finishes. "Now let's go."

Before anyone can doing anything, Noah takes something from his pocket and we all disappear.

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