part 1 <3

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mads pov :

my alarm clock is going off it's 6am fuck sake i need to get changed and get ready for school i get up i turn off my alarm clock i get a shower i get changed i do you my makeup i go downstairs i see my mom is asleep on the sofa addison is my bestfriend she calls me and of course i answer
- call -

mads: hey whatsup addison
addison: did you hear about jaden and charly hooking up
mads: no did they really tho ?
addison: no i'm joking i'm at sway coz i stayed at bryce's last night jaden is here he says hi
mads: i go to go addison or i'm gonna be late see you at school ?
addison: okay love ya boo bye
you: love ya to bye
- end of call -

i get my school bag and i start walking to school addison normally gives me a lift but she isn't today i walk in i see her she runs up to me i hug her

addison: hey!!
mads: bryce is coming over be calm
addison: what i am
bryce: hey baby
*he kisses addison*
mads: ew get a room thankyou very much
jaden: he wouldn't shut up about addison
*madaand jaden laugh*
bryce: you two would be a good couple not gonna lie don't you think addison
addison: omg yes!!
*mads looks at jaden*
jaden: don't even say-
he gets cut off by bryce
bryce: jads for life!!
mads: i got to go to english
jaden: same i will walk you mads
bryce: ooo lala love birds don't make out
mads: fuck you bryce
addison: see you at lunch boo
mads: bye

mads liked jaden abit well more then abit she had liked him for weeks now but she was to scared to tell him how she felt about him

- skip to lunch time -

i walk up to the table addison and bryce are making out nothing new about that zoe is staring at me so i roll my eyes at her jaden comes and sits next to me he smiles at me so i smile back

addison: mads where is your food
mads: oh i'm not hungry
addison: you sure when was the last time you ate
mads: i said it not hungry okay so
just leave it addison
bryce: calm down mads
mads: whatever i got to go bye

i get up and leave i run to the bathroom i throw up i can't eat or drink i feel sick whenever i do so i'm not pregnant maybe my eating disorder is back i hope it isn't i hate it

- end of pov -

- addison's pov -

i'm worried for mads she hasn't been eating recently and i don't have any time for her anymore i'm always busy with bryce or school work i hope she is okay she is my bestfriend i love her with my heart she is like my sister

bryce: what's up baby you seem worried
addison: it's mads
jaden: ow i'll go check on her is you want me to addison
addison: do you think she is okay
jaden: want me to be honest
addison: yeah
jaden: no i don't addison
bryce: same baby but i'm sure she is gonna be fine she has you jaden me and loads of other people to

bryce kisses me i kiss him

- end of pov -

A/N : i'm sorry it's so bad this is my first story sorry it's bad :(
words count : 582

jads &lt;3 Where stories live. Discover now