school again <3

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mads pov ;

i wake up next to jaden he has his arm around me so i can't move i wake him up he groans

jaden: what mads
mads: we need to get up or we gonna be late
jaden: noooo i don't wanna
mads: sorry but i don't wanna be late

i get up but he pulls me back

jaden: no 10 more minutes
mads: i can't jaden🥺
jaden; fineee

you both get up you get a shower you wear this

jaden: no you can't wear that mads mads; what why jaden jaden: because

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jaden: no you can't wear that mads
mads; what why jaden
jaden: because.....
mads: because is not a valid excuse jaden so i'm
wearing it

i smile he pick me up from
behind and spins me around

jaden: no mads please
mads: when did you care ?
jaden: since forever mads
mads: fine wait here

he nods his head you go get changed into this

he nods his head you go get changed into this

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mads: better ?

he nods his head he kisses my cheek

jaden: come on i will drive you
mads: okay then

i grab my phone and bag he drives me to school
i think i like him but i can't right ?

jaden; hey mads you okay ?
mads; yeah i'm fine i got to go bye

i get out of the car i go to my locker then the 3 bitches walk up to me charly olivia and zoe

zoe: look who it is the skinny rat
you: go away zoe didn't anyone tell you dogs aren't aloud on the school grounds
zoe: oh you bitch

she goes to hit me but i dodge her coz i'm
a badass bitch 😌🤚

charly: stay away from jaden he is my manz so back off why would he like a slut like you....
olivia: honestly i don't see the point of you living anymore you should go kill yourself whore

they all walk away laughing them words hit hard the bell rings i have history first with jaden and bryce i go to the lesson i sit next to chase hudson he has a huge crush on me but we are just friends i don't like him like that

chase: hey mads
mads: hey chase you okay
chase: yeah...i was wondering if you would want to go on a d-date with me this weekend

i look over at jaden and he clenches his jaw he is jealous as fuck why tho ?! dose he like me

mads: i will think about it chase
chase: okay!
zoe; whore
mads: honestly i don't see why you try bring others down are you really that insecure about yourself zoe
zoe: atleast i'm not ugly

i roll my eyes at her jaden and bryce look at me i look away from them

teacher : mads lewis you need to go to the office now
mads; why
teacher: i don't know just go
mads: can i bring someone?
teacher: no

i look at jaden worried i grab my stuff and
go to the office....

word count : 492

jads &lt;3 Where stories live. Discover now