the date with chase

678 12 1

he puts his hand on my thigh i start to uncomfortable but i don't move his hand coz i don't wanna ruin things with him

chase; so we are going to a party tonight
mads: where is this party then chase hudson
chase: at the hype house
mads; ok?
chase: sway house is coming tho

he rolls his eyes i smile at him he starts driving wait the sway house isn't jaden in the sway house oh no this isn't gonna go well is it we pull up to the hype house he smiles at me and kisses me i'm so confused so i just kiss him back he gets out the car i get out he holds my hand and we walk inside a bunch of people are there chase let's go of my hand and rolls his eyes at me some people come up to him they all greet him one checks me out and smacks my ass i feel really uncomfortable i keep telling chase that but he won't take me back home i go to the bar i get a drink the same guy who checked me out and smacked my ass comes up to me

??: hey your really hot by the way
mads: thank you and you are ?
??: nick and your mads lewis right?

i nod my head how did he know my name then jaden and his little gang walk in i roll my eyes at him i swear i just saw nick put something in my drink i'm probably imagining stuff oh well i take a sip i start dancing with nick then about 5 minutes later i start feeling dizzy they room starts spinning around my vision goes blurry

mads: ja-

i fall over nick catches me i think my eyes are shut i feel like falling asleep but i don't someone takes me to their room they lay me down on the bed i can't move at all he spiked my drink that asshole nick starts kissing my i can't do anything so i close my eyes again i feel worthless he starts undressing me a tear slips down my face i can't do anything someone walks in the room and drags nick off me the voice sounds familiar it sounded like jaden i think it was

mads: jaden....

i open my eyes i can move again i get up and i fix my makeup i wasn't going to let nick ruin my night i put my clothes back on i go downstairs and i get drunk as fuck i don't wanna feel anything anymore someone taps me on the back whilst i'm dancing it was jaden i put my head on his chest he holds me

mads: jAdEn
jaden: mads your drunk come on let's go home
mads: carry mee🥺
jaden: fine only coz like i'm nice and shit

i smile he carries me to his car he hadn't drank anything he puts me in the back he drives back to his house i go to his room i get changed into one of his hoodies and some of his sweatpants i take my makeup off and everything i lay down he walks in

jaden: i'm sorry mads
mads: for what mr hossler
jaden: nick
mads: jaden it's fine

he goes to leave but i stop him i throw a cushion at him he looks at me dead seriously

jaden: what mads
mads: stay with me please and thank you
jaden: fine then only if we can cuddle
mads: fine then come here now

he giggles which makes me giggle we both blush he comes and cuddles me i fall asleep he plays with my hair and kisses my head before he ends up
falling asleep

a/n: word count 631

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