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she bursts out in tears she nods her head

jaden: mads why
mads: i don't want to live anymore...

i hug her i kiss her head

jaden: shh it's okay your okay your fine mads ok
mads: jaden i love you
jaden: i love you to mads don't leave me
mads: shouldn't you go be with charly tho she is your yellow i'm not i'm nobody...

i wipe away her tears and kiss her me and mads lewis have just kissed ?! OMFG

jaden: your my bestfriend mads i love you
mads: do you mean it jaden or not ?
jaden: of course i do mads

she kisses me again i love her i have caught feelings for mads lewis my bestfriend

- 1 week later (now in 3rd person) -

mads and jaden haven't been talking they have been avoiding each other since the kiss
she has been avoiding everyone at the moment her mum is abusing her physically and mentally she hasn't been going to school or talking to anyone she dosent trust anyone

- now -

mads wakes up and gets changed she packs her school bag she walks to school she sees her friends addison,bryce,jaden,josh and nessa she goes to her locker and walks straight past them all the bell rings she has english with jaden and bryce she goes to it she sits down and everything is fine until she gets assigned a new seat next to jaden and bryce great...

- mads pov -
i go sit in my new seat next to jaden and bryce lucky me right😀 this is gonna be a long lesson i sit down i cover up my wrists i'm sick of breathing i'm sick of living this hopeless life i hate it i hate everyone and everything or do i love him

jaden: hey...
mads: hi we don't have to talk
bryce: mads why are you acting like this ?
mads: like what bryce
bryce: why are you being so distance
to us we miss you
mads: i'm sure you do bryce but i-
jaden:, mads can we talk after this please
bryce: oooo lala mads are you coming to the party this weekend you must come we miss youuuu
mads: yeah maybe i will bryce
jaden: okay call me later?
mads: maybe i will jaden hossler maybe i wont
zoe: ew slut jaden come here i miss you last night was fun right ?
mads: what happened last night
jaden: zoe shut up
mads: zoe did you and jaden hook up
zoe: yeah we did and i will do it again daddy

she winks at jaden

bryce: omfg your disgusting dude
mads: i think i'm gonna go i got to go bye
bryce: now look what you did jaden honestly man

i walk out of lesson i go to the bathroom i start crying him and zoe hooked up i can't believe him and i believed that he loved me honestly i can't believe him i hate him or do i love him i can't do this right now i need to leave now

i walk out of the bathroom after wiping away my tears i walk into chase it's lunch now jaden looks at me chase is angry he pushes me against the lockers

chase: watch it whore no wonder jaden chose zoe over you i mean your a worthless slut who will sleep with anyone for anything right

all his friends start laughing with him the bell rings and you go to your next lesson

- skip to end of school coz i'm lazy asf -

i'm walking home and i walk down an street i see a fight loads of people are crowding the people i can't see who it is i hear chase

chase: dude you know i'm right she is whore stop it now get off me your crazy!!

i push past people and i'm shocked it's chase and...

A/N : sorry about the cliffhanger but yeah
word count : 659

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