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- 1 month later -

i have a month left at school jaden and i are friends vinnie isn't taking to me at all now but i have my friends jaden addison bryce josh and nessa everyone is shipping me and jaden together they call us Jads it's cute we have 2 weeks of school also i moved into a new house i have a photo shoot this week i can't wait to do it because i haven't posted on instagram
in ages i think i have caught feelings for jaden oop

- now -

i wake up i get changed into this :

i call jaden he dosent wake up but it's 9am he probably went to sleep late i go to starbucks i order i get me and jaden a drink i'm going to my car and hollywood fix comes up to me and i have really bad social anxiety so i get scared this had happ...

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i call jaden he dosent wake up but it's 9am he probably went to sleep late i go to starbucks i order i get me and jaden a drink i'm going to my car and hollywood fix comes up to me and i have really bad social anxiety so i get scared this had happened before but i was with jaden last time and he did all the talking for me and him i'm so scared

Hollywood fix : HF

HF; hey mads how is it going

i smile awkwardly at him i'm scared ok

mads: it's going great fletcher

HF: so the fans wanna know are you
dating jaden hossler

mads: no he is my bestfriend so ladies he is
single hit his line

we both laugh

HF: so guys you have it mads lewis and jaden hossler are not dating mads do you have anything coming up you wanna mention or nah ?

mads: ooo i have some photos coming out next week on instagram so get ready

HF: follow her instagram now ! !

mads: i got to get going sorry bye it was
nice talking to you

Hf: bye mads

i get into my car i drive around the corner and i start crying jaden rings me im like sort of having
a panic attack HF was live when i was answering his questions i pick up the phone he sounds half asleep but worried his morning voice is woahh 🤤🥰

- call -

jaden: hey mads are you okay

mads: i'm fine i'm on my way over right now

jaden: okay i will see you soon can't wait to see you gorgeous i wanna cuddle and talk

mads: okay bye

jaden: i love you

- end of call -

did he just say i love you ?! omg he did OMFG i drive
over to sway i walk in i see anthony bryce and josh doing a teatok i go to jaden's room i walk in he is asleep i put his drink on his bedside table i turn around and start walking to the door when two arms wrap around me i turn around and see jaden i kiss his head he smiles his eyes are shut

jads <3 Where stories live. Discover now