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i go home i feel pain i run myself a bath i get ready for the bath i stare at myself in the mirror i had bruises and red marks all over my stomach from chase i start crying someone walks in i had my bra and thong on it was jaden he stares at me he is staring at my stomach

mads: hey eyes up here

i point to my face he smiles

jaden: i'm sorry i should leave-

mads: jaden will you stay please

jaden: of course i will anything for you

mads: jaden i'm scared

jaden: oh and your broken up with chase now i sorted it all out for you

mads: wait really

jaden; yeah mads i love you

mads: i love you to hossler

he hugs me i kiss his cheek

jaden: mads go get in bath i will go make you some food and tidy up abit your mum isn't here right?

mads: no she isn't for another 4 weeks

jaden: okay see you soon gorgeous

i smile at him he kisses me he leaves i get a bath i loved him i was inlove with jaden fucking hossler
my bestfriend i know i shouldn't be but woahh he was hot and so fucking cute i get out of the bath and get ready for prom

mine and jaden's outfits :

we went marching because i didn't wanted to be alone on prom and plus he asked me a month ago he looked so gorgeous in the suit he we so hot tho but i cannot fall for him i must not i can't he is my only bestfriend at the moment i walk downstairs ...

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we went marching because i didn't wanted to be alone on prom and plus he asked me a month ago he looked so gorgeous in the suit he we so hot tho but i cannot fall for him i must not i can't he is my only bestfriend at the moment i walk downstairs i see jaden he smiles at me i walk up to him he kisses my cheek he was such a gentleman he holds my hand josh and nessa and addison and bryce all walk in

addison: i missed you!!!

she hugs me nessa follows after her

nessa: jaden told us and i can't believe you
did that for me and josh ily boo

she kisses my cheek jaden gets jealous so he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder

nessa: wtf jaden give me my wifeyy back now
jaden: no way she is MINE
addison: aww are yall dating now ?!

he puts me down i look at him he looks
at me we both laugh he kisses my head

jaden: no
mads: not yet but it's up to jaden hossler
jaden: can one of you guys take a photo of us
addison: meee

she takes a photo jaden posts it on instagram


@jadenhossler: 🖤 @mads

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@jadenhossler: 🖤 @mads.yo

liked by @brycehall,@nessabarrett,@joshrichards,
@addisonrae,@mads.yo and 1,000,568 more

comments :
@addisonrae: SHIP

@madsxjxdn: JADS

@brycehall: jads

@nessabarrett: omg i ship it

@mads.yo: my gentleman is handsome
^^@jadenhossler: gorgeous lady^^

@mads_love: she looks gorgeous like always

@madsxx: she deserves way better

@lilhuddy: girl stealer
^^@jadenhossler: she never liked you dude^^

@tiktokroom: the tea is hot today ☕️

@nessabarrett: my wifey looking stunning asf

@addisonrae: my boo looking fine asf 😍


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you smile at jaden he kisses me

nessa: OMG SHIP
josh: what was the name again
addison: jads i think
bryce: jads your ship is awaiting
mads: funny😀

i kiss jaden on the cheek we go to prom the love song comes on jaden holds his hand out bryce brought vodka to prom so your drunk asf jaden doesn't know you grab his hand you guys dance after it you take his hand you run to the school football field you sit on the bleachers you sit next to jaden all the stars are out you look at him

jaden: hey are you drunk
mads: nOoooO
jaden: mads
mads: oooO what is it
jaden: i have been shipped with you so many times tonight i can't even remember by who
mads: eWww
jaden; would it be so bad dating me ?
mads: no it wouldn't it would be amazing i would feel safe and something i haven't felt before...loved

i smile at him he kisses me passionately i kiss back i was shaking so he gives me his blazer to put over me he smiles at me it's friday so saturady tomorrow

jaden: wanna go back ?
mads: jaden...
jaden: yes mads lewis
mads: can you like...
jaden: what
mads: carry me 🥺
jaden: okay only coz i love you

he picks me up and takes me to his car i fall asleep on the way back

jads <3 Where stories live. Discover now