time gose fast

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- 2 months later -

it's prom night tonight in 3 weeks  is graduation i can't wait i get up i go to school i go to my lesson coz like we still have school today unfortunately.... i sit down i feel dizzy i haven't been eating at all recently i don't deserve to anymore i don't want to at all addison comes in she sits next to me so dose jaden i forgot to mention i have been avoiding everyone i started dating chase because he blackmailed me with if i didn't go out with him he would get charli to break up nessa and josh again they deserve to be inlove i don't anymore he abuses me sometimes... most of the time to be honest

addison: hey mads
mads: ....
jaden: she is still not talking to us i see
addison; wtf did we even do wrong tho
mads: nothing...you did nothing wrong
addison: oh and it speaks now

jaden could see the pain in my eyes i hated it i go to get up i have been self harming again and my wrists hurt like really badly

jaden: mads talk to us
mads: i-i got to go bye jaden bye addison
addison: let her go jaden she don't want
us anymore

i walk out of lesson i go to the toilets i have a panic attack i calm down after a couple of minutes i see charli walk in she slaps me i don't have the energy to hit her back so i simply push her she falls over i walk out i walk into chase he pins me up against the wall

chase: sweetheart i don't think your aloud to talk to jaden or addison am i right or wrong
mads: your right i'm sorry i won't do it again just please let me go chase
chase: one second

he slaps me and let's go he laughs and walks away i go back to lesson jaden is staring at me i don't like it

jaden: mads can we talk after school
mads: i can't talk to you he won't let me
jaden: who won't
mads: what no one
jaden: mads come with me now

i get up and grab my bag i walk out

Teacher: mads lewis are you okay

she saw the tears in my eyes

teacher: actually you and jaden may
go outside for abit
mads: i-
jaden: come on mads

he holds my hand and takes me outside i hug him i burst out in tears i drag him into the janitors closet

jaden: what's up mads your acting weird
mads: chase told me i can't talk to you and i can't do this anymore jaden please i don't wanna
be scared anymore i don't wanna feel pain
jaden: mads....please calm down
mads: i can't jaden i - i can't do anything
jaden: mads
mads: i'm such a failure i'm a mess up maybe he is right maybe i deserve to not eat or to feel anything over then pain
jaden: mads-
mads: jaden shush please i can't do this anymore

he sees my wrists he hugs me and kisses my head

jaden: tell me everything now

i tell him everything he clenches his jaw he is now pissed off and it is all my fault i hug him he calms down abit but not a lot

jaden: mads go home for the rest of the day i will see you at prom okay ?

mads: okay jaden

i go to leave he grabs my arm gently he kisses me i pull away he hugs me tightly i feel safe like i did the last time we hugged i wish i was dating jaden not chase

jads <3 Where stories live. Discover now