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- 2 hours later -

i'm done getting ready i go downstairs and i see jaden i hug him from behind he turns around and kisses my head

mads: are you ready darling

jaden: of course baby

we get into our uber when we get to the house there is already so many people there i get out i hold onto jaden's arm tightly he looks at me and notices i'm scared a lot he kisses me and it calms me down

jaden: baby it's gonna be okay

mads: okay baby if you say so

jaden: let's go find everyone

we go inside i loose jaden as soon as we walk in so i go to the bar i start drinking i drink a lot okay and there is nothing wrong with it a song comes on and i start dancing someone comes up to me a stranger he starts dancing with me and then he looks into my eyes and i feel unsafe around him he kisses me i pull away and slap him i turn around and i see jaden with tears in his eyes i start tearing up he runs out of the house i run off after him but he is to fast i end up feeling dizzy like really dizzy and sick what is going on with me i call an uber back to my house me and jaden have been arguing a lot recently over the littlest stuff and now that happens he is never gonna trust me ever again i fucked up big time when i get in i open the door and i see jaden sat there on the sofa he is crying i hated to see him like this i go up to him but he moves he is shaking i look over to the table and i see pills a bottle of pills they are full he hasn't taken them....yet and a note but i didn't care about the note right now i stand up

mads: jaden i'm sorry i-

jaden: yeah right mads i can
never trust you again never again mads

mads: jaden it meant nothing he kissed me i-

jaden: it sure looked like nothing mads


jaden: whatever mads leave me alone i'm never going to trust you again

he goes upstairs to my room he locks the door i follow after him he slams the door in my face i lean up against the door i head but it i was a mess now i completely fucked up with everything i didn't wanna loose him or hurt him but i have now for fuck sake i go to downstairs i fall down the stairs near the end i get up and i go to the sofa i read the note it's to me

dear mads,

i loved you,i trusted you and you go and do that i can't believe you i can't trust you anymore mads i will always love you even when i don't show it i will love you for ever until this world stops moving but i can't trust you anymore i'm sorry mads you mean everything to me you really do but i can't get rid of the picture of you kissing that guy so when you find this i won't be here anymore,
i love you madison rose lewis don't forget that and who knows maybe i will still be here just not with you coz i can't trust you i can't even stand the thought of being around you anymore you betrayed me you fucked up

- jaden x

i burst out in tears i go outside into my back garden i lived on a cliff thing it was beautiful i go to the edge i sit there and stare out into the ocean it felt like the world had stopped moving but it hadn't it was still going on i was still here i start shaking i'm cold but i don't care i was so relaxed right now

- jaden's pov -

i was crying yeah i cry get over it ffs i look out of the window i see mads sat the edge of the cliff she looked cold but she was crying i love her to much to leave her things click between me and her there is spark between us i feel it but she really hurt me tonight and i know she didn't kiss him back i know she slapped him but still she should of never been with him ffs i can't do this to her she looked a mess like she was really drunk which she was and when mads gets drunk she dose stuff she shouldn't do i go downstairs she read the note maybe that is why she is crying i run outside i see her stood up at the edge i grab her and pull her back she looks at me

jaden: mads sh sh sh everything is gonna be okay

mads: you hate me no it isn't gonna be okay

jaden: i don't hate you i forgive you for everything

mads: but your note

jaden: sh forget about it

mads: will you be my boyfriend jaden

jaden: always mads i will always
be your lover boy

i smile at her and wipe away her tears she was so confused and sad right now i take her inside we go to her room she gets a shower and everything then we cuddle and go to sleep i couldn't fall asleep tho what if she wakes up and she starts crying i'm not going to sleep she looks so peaceful sleeping

- end of pov -

A/n: sorry if you hate this chapter
word count : 966

jads <3 Where stories live. Discover now