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i wake up jaden is carrying me inside his house i'm so confused but to tired to move right now i close my eyes when we get to his room i open them he smiles at me he kisses my head

mads: excuse me sir ?
jaden: yeah m'lady?
mads: why are you so god damm hot
jaden: oh m'lady that's all you pretty girl

i kiss him he gives me one of his hoodies we are at w big house i have never been to before is it the new sway house ? i get changed into his hoodie in his bathroom it's like a dress on me which is good because i'm only wearing the hoodie and underwear right now jaden fell asleep i go downstairs it's like 2am no one is gonna be up right now i can't reach up to the shelf without the hoodie lifting up oh well fuck it i reach up someone walks downstairs i don't what them tho

??: damm you a snack
mads: excuse me

i turn around quickly

??: who's how are you then
mads: what
??; who is using you then
mads: i'm sorry i still don't
know what you mean
??: well come find me after someone has fucked you coz then it's my turn mammas

i cringe so badly at that he walks close up to me he slaps my ass and smirks he leaves the room i run upstairs to jaden's room i shut the door i go to his bathroom i start crying i sit in the bath and huddle up i hope jaden dosent heat me

- jaden's pov -

i wake up at like 2:36am someone is the bathroom i walk in they haven't seen me yet they are holding a blade to their neck and taking some pills i push them both out of the persons hand i realise it's mads she is crying her makeup is down her face she looked so sad what happened to her ? maybe she ran into the new guy who is a dick he is called Quinton Griggs

mads: jaden....
jaden; mads what happened
mads: are you using me
jaden: what NO mads NO who said that

my anger builds up i clench my jaw she hugs me she noticed that god she knows me so well that is why
i love her so much


she flinched i hated to see her like this scared of me i hated it she was so gorgeous and the most amazing girl i know i wipe away her tears she shakes her head

mads: i don't wanna stay here jaden
jaden: mads what do you mean

she pushes me and she runs out of the house it was dark and cold and wet outside she was drunk asf and tired anything could happen i'm scared i can't loose her not now not ever i love her.....

- end of pov -

A/N: sorry about the kind of cliffhanger i hope you like this story sorry if not word count ; 508

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