fight ! fight ! fight !

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i push him away fuck why did i do that

jaden: mads you know you want me
mads: no jaden i don't not this jaden this
jaden is a complete asshole
jaden; fine

he leaves i slam the door shut i start crying i go to the bathroom i get a shower after i go to sleep coz
i'm tired asf and why not

- next day -

i wake up i get changed i go to school i walk in i see vinnie i smile at him he rolls his eyes at me i walk up to him and hug him from behind he moves away why is he being like this i'm so confused right now

mads: vinnie?
vinnie: and you are ?
mads: erm
vinnie: go away you slut

i walk away from him i walk into jaden even better i roll my eyes and walk to my first class

- lunch -

i get my food vinnies friend walks into me he slaps my ass i'm so uncomfortable right now coz of him vinnie walks over

vinnie: hey mads
mads: he talks to me now
vinnie: yeah-
mads: you used me
vinnie: what how
mads: you had sex with me and now
you won't talk to me at all you used me
vinnie : your body is fine as hell mads

i walk away i throw my food in the bin i walk up to vinnie and slap him he grabs hold of my wrists he goes to hit me but jaden groans

mads: great my hero is here 😀
jaden: aww i love you to mads

i roll my eyes

jaden: if you hit her i'm gonna have to hit you
mads; why
jaden: because mads just stfu
mads: okay
jaden: so let her go vinnie
vinnie: i like her so no
jaden: she don't like you do you mads ?
mads: no i don't
jaden; see the lady has spoken for herself

jaden punches vinnie oop which makes
vinnie let go of me

jads <3 Where stories live. Discover now