the party <3

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i wake up at 10am jaden is staring at me i can feel his eyes on me i smile

mads: your being creepy jaden
jaden: no i'm not
mads: your staring at me whilst i sleep
jaden: your cute sleeping mads
mads: that is creepy jaden

i go to get up he pulls me back onto his chest
he is playing with my hair he is so perfect

jaden: nooo i want to cuddle
mads: oh well jaden we need to get up jaden
jaden: okay then mads but 1 more hour please
mads: fine only for you jaden

he kisses my head i go to my closet i start picking
out dresses i finally find two i like i try the first one on jaden shakes his head

the first dress :

jaden: noooo mads everyone is gonna stare at you and all the boys are gonna stare mads: okay let me go try on the other one okay ?jaden: okay you look amazing in that one tho mads

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jaden: noooo mads everyone is gonna stare at you and all the boys are gonna stare
mads: okay let me go try on the other one okay ?
jaden: okay you look amazing in that one tho mads

josh and nessa walk in
jaden: mads meet nessa
mads: nice to meet you nessa
nessa: are you going to the party tonight
mads: omg yess do you wanna get ready together
nessa: okay come on
josh: okay this is gonna take awhile isn't it
jaden: probably we will go get food for you both

mine and nessa's outfits :

i'm the blonde she is the brunette jaden and josh walk in i got to know nessa better she is actually really sweet and kind

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i'm the blonde she is the brunette jaden and josh walk in i got to know nessa better she is actually really sweet and kind

jaden hugs me from behind he kisses my neck

jaden: you look really hot mads lewis
mads: your gonna ruin my makeup jaden
jaden: i don't care you look amazing i love you
josh: i ship it down you ness baby ?
nessa: of course i do they are soo cute together
josh: what are you guys then bestfriends or lovers
jaden: just bestfriends
mads: yeah what he said and bestfriends don't kiss

i move away from him i look down

josh: let's get going now i think things got erm...a.. bit weird....
nessa: yeah come on mads you can sit next
to me in the back of the car
josh: nooo i want to sit next to you nessa
mads: no nessa is MINE
jaden: let's just go

we go to bryce's house loads of people are there including tony lopey and zoe lagroomer great i go to the bar i start drinking jaden comes up to me he is drunk as fuck which is weird he hardly never gets drunk he never drinks

jaden: heyyy mads i need to tell you something or are you still mad at me for nothing i did nothing wrong to you
mads: i can't do this right now jaden just go away your drunk go fuck charly or someone or maybe even zoe honestly you said you loved me and you went and slept with zoe fuck you jaden

i walk away from him i go to the bathroom i walk into bryce's room i see jaden and zoe making out i sober up and i start tearing up i run out of the house nessa and addison run after me

nessa: what happened mads
mads: j-jaden and zoe making out they making out

i'm crying at this point they both hug me i see jaden in the window with zoe she is smiling at me as jaden starts kissing her body i feel sick i run home i walk in my mum comes up to me and slaps me


she hits me over and over and over again i hate her how could a mother do that to her own daughter i run to my room i lock the door i have blood all over my face i grab a bag and run downstairs i go to jaden's house it's 1am i hope he is home please be home jaden i go through his window his mum probably wouldn't let me in he walks in the room he sobers up when he sees me with cuts all over my arms and my nose is bleeding my lip is cut and i'm just a mess right now

jaden: what happened
mads: why am i even here i bet zoe is here i'm
gonna go jaden bye-

i go to leave he hugs me from behind and kiss me he has blood on his lips now my blood what have i done

jaden: don't leave what happened mads
mads: my mum hit me jaden i need somewhere to stay for abit can i stay here with you i feel safe with you jaden
jaden: of course you can but i'm moving out soon in like 5 days to move into the sway house
mads: just you?
jaden: no josh bryce anthony griffin
kio blake and noah
mads. i only know 2 of them people
jaden: well you can stay with us for abit im sure they will all love you i do
mads: did you just admit your feelings for me but jaden i need to get cleaned up
jaden: okay let me help you go get on the counter

i go sit on the counter he gets a towell and runs it under the tap he dabs it on my face he smiles at me

jaden: your eyes are soo pretty mads
mads: jaden have you seen your eyes woah

we both smile at each other and laugh a little he cleans up my cuts i kiss him

mads: i'm sorry i shouldn't of done that jaden i'm drunk abit sorry jaden shit i'm so sorry-

he puts his finger over my lips i smile at him

jaden: shhh shhhh shhhh mads just live in the moment mads okay

he kisses me he picks me up and takes me to his bed he smiles i lay next to him i'm shaking i'm cold

jaden: are you cold mads

i nod my head he starts to run me a bath he smiles at me i hug him from behind

mads: your such a gentleman aren't you
jaden: only for you mads lewis

i kiss his cheek

jaden: i will go get some of my clothes for you

he gets some of his sweatpants and one of his hoodies out for me he puts them on the bed he goes downstairs whilst i get a bath after that i get changed and lay down jaden lays next to me and i get onto his chest and lay down he smiles at me he kisses my head and plays with my hair he is so cute

mads: what are we jaden ? are we friends or what
jaden: mads i love you and i have feelings for you but a lot of people would hate us together
mads: like who zoe charly who jaden i'm waiting who
jaden: mads don't be like that
mads: like what jaden

i get up and lay away from him

mads: i'm going to sleep i will deal with this tomorrow night

i move away from him i go to sleep

A/N : word count : 1223

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