POV Ajar: What's Best..

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A couple days passed and everything seemed to have calm down. We finally decided to lie to the police and have Fiona make up a story, that it was just an unfortunate event. Which in no doubt, was not a complete lie.

Seth chose to take Fiona away to a house that would keep her safe.. Or more like a place where I'm not there.. But in all respect, since whoever attacked her house was still out there with a motive, I didn't argue.

Seth walks in and sighs troubled, as he descended into one of the kitchen chairs. We stayed quiet for a moment, taking in the stress of what's been happening and what probably could happen. Seth finally turned around in his chair and stared at me across the counter. Like a puzzle he couldn't figure out. I eyed him back and grew annoyed "What?"

He sits back in his chair "It's just.. a lot has happened.. Stuff that I'm going to have to get use to.. With you and Fiona.." he stately said to me.

I rolled my eyes "Don't do this man. She was just an unfortunate mistake." He glares at me "One that knows your a vampire—THAT knows we exist."

"You think I enjoy that." I said, reassuring him that I—myself didn't have much of a say either.

Seth takes in a breath and calmly said "Well that doesn't matter anymore..I tired to erase her memories." I looked at him in shock. First, I wanted to punch him. But second.. I wanted to know if she was the one that asked for it—if he offered and she had taken him up on it.

I swallowed back some of my rage "And how did that go? Can she return back to her normal life of being a human with dead parents at her wake?" I sarcastically said. While he wasn't having it "I said 'I TRIED,' I didn't said it worked." I eyed him to see if he was joking but all I saw on his face was pure annoyance. This sent me off.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN IT DIDN'T WORK?! IT ALWAYS WORKS!" he shouted back at me "IT'S JUST AS I SAID MAN! IT DIDN'T WORK!" we stared each other down in the heat of the moment. With nothing and everything that wanted to be said. Seth took this moment of calm and walked over to me; he turned on the pipe as water smoothly ran into the sink. I could only assume whatever he was going to say next, I wasn't going to like it and neither with anyone else in the house.

He turned to me "Look, I know I'm going to sound crazy. But, you and me both know that my powers works all the time. Either it being vampires, humans, or even werewolves." I nod, agreeing with him as he continued "However, I know where my powers have limits."


He glares at me to take this seriously "So! What I'm saying is, what if Fiona is neither of these things?" I almost laughed at his accusation "What are you trying to say? That she isn't human?"

"That's exactly, what I'm saying."

I stared at him and point my finger at his chest "Don't be stupid. You think I would've saved her if she wasn't?" I began to walk away but he stopped me "There is something I should tell you."

He was serious. It seemed everything he was going to say was going to change everything. I felt he was being weighted down and that he was losing his confidence. And this was Seth, he never loses his confidence. He was always in control-always knew what he was doing. This was not like him.

"What?" I said, trying to make what he was going to say easier if I asked.

"Your like a brother to me, Ajar. And I'm only telling you this because you should know.. You can't fall in love with Fiona.." Everything froze in place and I felt my heart stopped. There was many things I felt. First, it was hurt but then it was rage. He had the nerve enough to tell me not to fall in love with someone, I'M NOT EVEN IN LOVE WITH!

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