POV Fiona: Devil's Daughter

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I would walk by him. I would watch him. I would glare at him.. But the one thing I wouldn't do was talk to him.

I figured Seth would find this awkward but he's been acting like nothing happened. I only assumed that he was the reason Ajar had a change of pace with me. I wasn't sure if I should hate him or thank him for saving me. If I had gotten any deep with my feelings, I'd probably regret it later. This to me was very bittersweet and I hated it. We gathered in the Hallow Mansion kitchen, and sat at the table. Ajar and Seth was discussing how long they had until everyone in the clan notice I'm here. I stayed silent, debating either if I wanted to stay here long enough to even be discovered. This thought weighed on me. Oh, what I would do to get my old life back.

"Fiona?" Seth called out to me as I'm caught up in my thoughts "Huh?" he asked me a question I didn't even notice he was asking me "I want to know where your mind is in all of this? What do you want to do?" I look at both of them as only one thing that I really wanted to do popped into my mind. I wanted to be free. I wanted the pain to go away.

I calmly looked at Seth "I think it was best you guys followed your clan rules. Isn't it forbidden to have a human in your mist?." Ajar got up and protest without a second thought in his way "For the last time, Fiona. No one is going to kill you! Why do you keep insisting we follow rules that does just that?!" I shot back at him "And where do you get off on telling me otherwise? I'm trying to save you guys from having to deal with me!" Seth jumped up and got in the middle "Will you guys calm down! I get it, okay! We are all tense, but can we just chill and think logically about all this?" Ajar looks to him but points at me "Do you honestly think I'm going to have you entertain the fact that she's simply being unreasonable?!"

I almost laughed but instead I got angry "Are you sure you don't want me dead yourself? I mean, let's face it. You want me gone more then anyone in this room." Ajar glares me down "You sure talk a lot for a girl who thinks she knows everything." I countered "Maybe because I do." But honestly, I didn't and I think he knew that. I was just so angry with him, that I would have said anything to get under his skin. His beautiful, unforgettable skin.

I shook my head, as I could picture myself just being up against him. How I'd die just to make it happen. I walked out of the kitchen, into the next room.

This room was just as creep as the whole house. Not that I didn't expected it not to be. Seth entered the room "Fiona—" I shut him down "Don't Seth. I know what your going to say and right now, being calm is not in my vocabulary." he stood there looking at me, I could see the eyes of guy who honestly wanted to help and protect his people but just didn't know how. He spoke but none of what he said was out of confidence "Fiona, you lost a lot. Your life. Your parents. I would never ask you to be calm because I know all of this isn't easy." I rolled my eyes and began to walk towards the door but he quickly blocked my way "I know what I'm saying doesn't sound comforting but if you were human all of this would've been fixed already. But, it's because it's not. Don't you think it begs the question why?"

"So what your saying? That I'm some monster whose memories you can't erase?" I stared at him in complete disbelief. My life took a desperate turn and Seth wanted to stand here and call me a monster. He calmly took a breath in "I'm not calling you a monster but I'm calling you something different. If you was a regular monster, I'd have your memories erased too but it's like—" he stopped talking. Trying to collect how he was going to say, what he was going to say without looking crazy "I don't think you're a monster.. I'm not trying to imply that you are but there are things in this world that make us monsters—where we don't actually have choices.." I sadden but I could clearly see he was holding something back.. something important "Than what possibly could I be?! I lived a normal human life! I had normal parents!" He gathered all of what I was saying in thought "Have your parents been acting out of the norm, before they died?" This question set me aback. How could I answer that? Everything they did was out of the norm before they died! They had a man, dressed in black basically telling me I wasn't their daughter and they didn't deny it. How was I going to answer the question, when the answer isn't something I came to accept yet?

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