POV Ajar: Plan to Kill

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"Let me, through!!" Seth pushed me back. We were basically at each other's throats until Magnolia stepped in between us "Will you guys cut it out! What has gotten into guys?"

Seth snapped "He wants to go on a suicide mission!"

Magnolia turned to me confused "What?.." I turned from them frustrated; I mean if I couldn't tell them the whole truth, I could at least tell them this "My father has Fiona, Seth! What do you want me to do?! Just sit Idly by and hope she's okay?!" Seth yelled "No! What I want you to do is think! For all, we know your father could have an army of men just waiting to attack! That could just put her in danger! We don't know what's at stake here, Ajar!"

"I do!!—" Magnolia cuts in "WILL YOU BOTH JUST STOP!!" the room got quiet and the only sounds we heard was our breathings and the wind blowing through the trees. However, that didn't make up for the disappointment that followed on Magnolia's face "Do you see what's happening here? This girl is basically ripping you guys apart to the point we can't even make a decision as a team—Now I'm the one that shouldn't have her shit together. You guys usually do. Your like brothers—I mean seriously, whatever unspoken business you guys have with each other, FIX IT. Because clearly, this shit we're doing now isn't working." Before Seth went to say something, Magnolia rolled her eyes and walked away from us to avoid anymore excuses. Seconds later that was followed by a door slam, that made us winced.

We were quiet for a while and Magnolia didn't come back. We sat at the kitchen table, not one of us saying a word. But I knew it couldn't stay like this forever. We already had a fucked up situation—Magnolia was right. Whatever unspoken issues we had; we had to solve it now.

I looked at him across the table "She's right you know. I think we've been avoiding the real issue here when it came to doing right by Fiona for the last couple days.." Seth shakes his head "Don't do this, man. This has nothing do with doing what's right for Fiona—" I cut in "But isn't it?" I looked at him, desperately trying to just understand why he can't just say what he wants to say "Seth, I saw the way you looked when I killed her.. How I snapped her neck.. How I watched you watched her life leave her body.." Seth winced at the memory "Ajar.. you wasn't yourself okay? You were mad. Angry. You thought everything you knew was lie—" I cut in again "But that doesn't change the fact that I killed her... It doesn't change the fact that you have feelings for her.."

Seth shot up his head for the first time to look at me and for the first time his face read guilt. Guilty that he couldn't deny it straight away like he wanted to "Aja—" I stopped him "Don't try to lie. I think we both had enough of lies to last us a lifetime.. You probably felt confused. I mean, the girl your suppose to one day kill..you end up loving. It's poetic if you ask me.." I laughed, but it didn't take effect for what I wanted to feel versus what I was feeling. Seth gave me a small smile "Fiona...she's truly one hell of a girl.. She lost everything.. Her family..Her friends.. Everything.. For a life she never wanted.." he sighs "In truth, in the little time I've gotten to know her. Something just happened. Something changed.." I could see the tears almost surfacing but he roughed it away and I smiled "Yea..she has that effect on people. She'll make you feel crazy, out of control...she makes you just want do to better.. Though I probably lost every chance I could've had—" Seth cuts in "Nope. Nah man, even though you killed her she didn't hate you for it. She loves you."

I smiled "And she loves you too...probably for a long time too."

And I knew as soon as I admit that to myself there was no turning back from the question we both didn't want to ask but Seth asked it anyway "If Fiona, was just a normal human girl and we were just normal dudes. I wonder, who she would've picked?.. I mean, under these circumstances, all we ever do is make sure to keep her alive. But.. it's obvious who she would choose.." I sadden "Don't—" he cuts me off "You know she would choose you. You guys have this red string that just ties you together. It's obvious you and her are end game. So, it doesn't matter what I feel for her. I can't have her and I wouldn't want her. We live in two different worlds but there is something just about you two, that just makes what I see as impossible just possible."

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