POV Seth: The Prophecy Still Lives..

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A night passed but it felt like weeks for what I witnessed. I put Fiona's body on the dining table, where she was still as the air in the room. I choked on my sobs as Magnolia walked in through the kitchen door. She spotted me with a bottle of whiskey, sitting on the floor next to Fiona. I got up with the bottle and looked at her "Did you find him?" she nod, sighing as she took in Fiona "He's technically leaving bodies all over the highway of New York. After we bury Fiona we'll have to figure out how to lock up Ajar—" I cut in "No. We are bringing him back. The longer his humanity is gone, it'll be harder to contain him." I turned around putting the bottle down next to Fiona as Magnolia stood next me "This isn't something we can just contain, Seth. Ajar isn't like me. He doesn't know how to control his inner demons like I do." She takes my hand into hers, looking down at Fiona's face "Ajar killed Fiona...His feelings isn't something that can be contained, it's something he's going to have to work through—and the last thing he's going to want after getting his humanity back is being controlled." I slammed the table "I don't care!" I point to Fiona, so she can see a clear example of what happens when things aren't kept in control "Don't you see what he has done?!" Magnolia glared me down but I wasn't backing down. I was making a point "He thought he was saving the clan, Seth! I mean, come on! Ajar did the one thing he probably never wanted to do... Killing the girl he had a connection to that he couldn't even explain.. He turned off his humanity to make sure he went through with it. Don't you think you should give him some cerdit?" I smiled at the thought "I don't give cerdit to murders." with only that I walked away with a clear thought in mind. I had feelings for Fiona.. and now that she was gone, I couldn't even tell her.

Magnolia followed me out into the other room, hot on my heels "That isn't fair, Seth. Our parents have killed more then Ajar has in a decade. We need to have his back—he literally just saved earth by killing Fiona. If you asked me, he took one for the team." I faced her, taking my rifle that layered up against the wall "Are you seriously siding with him? We could have found another way. Fiona didn't have to die." she shakes her head in disagreement "We could have spent days trying to find another way but would we have found it?" I pondered the question. Though she made sense, I couldn't accept how things turned out. Ajar's humanity was the only thing I was focused on gettin back. Everything was so fucking messed up—how did it get here? To this?

Before I could answer Magnolia, we heard movement in the kitchen. I quickly got in front of Magnolia, putting my rifle right at head level; slowly walking into the kitchen. I dropped my rifle when I saw a once dead corpse laying on the table, sitting up right. Magnolia who was behind gasped.

"Fiona?..." she lift her head and stared at me right in to my eyes. Her eyes were now the color of fire. She got off the table and just stood there. She looked at me like something she was trying to make sense of and when she did, only then she spoke "Ajar killed me." I watched her process her current situation, when all the while I was questioning how is that she is alive? Magnolia stepped in and took charge of the situation. She walked up to Fiona, taking her face into her hands. Magnolia examined her carefully "Well.. Your definitely alive, alright." she let her hands fall to her side and turned to me "At least, we know for sure she's the devils daughter." Fiona took offense to the comment "Are you saying you wasn't sure?" I stepped in before the situation could've escalated "That's not what she meant. She was just being sarcastic." I took her in; something about her was different. She seemed changed. Taking her hand into mines, I gently asked her a question "How are you fee-" she cuts me off before I could finish "How does anyone feel after they die?" she glared at me "I was suppose to stay dead.. But I'm not.. Where's Ajar?" I could feel myself sinking. She knows that Ajar killed her but she doesn't know what he had to give to make that alone happen. I'm not even sure if she is angry or asking out of concern.. Do I keep it a secret? Do I not tell her?

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