POV Fiona: The Saved & The Sacrificed

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I stared at the man in front of me as he said my name so familiarly "Hello, Fiona. We meet again." My body tensed "I can't say it's a pleasure. Since the last time we met, my parents died." He smiled "I see, your human feelings still distract you from becoming your most best self. You care to much for people who won't live forever. You serve a bigger purpose. Abandon your feelings, they'll be useless for what's to be done." I glared at him "Like the war you want to start with your father—" he grabs me by my throat and he said with a harsh tone as I struggled under his grip "DO NOT! Refer to him as my father!" Ajar's father stepped in quickly "Lucifer! Patients! Remember, she has to take the throne willingly. Threatening her, will get us nowhere." Lucifer listened to him, loosening his grip. I could feel his eyes pouring into me. His red but almost black eyes. There was no way to predict what he was thinking but there was no doubt that I felt something different in that second. Something warm but he let me go before I was really able to pull on it. I coughed and Ajar's father came to me side to comfort me but I brushed him off "Don't!" he sighs "Fiona, you have to understand. Everything I do is for my kind. I may have not been a good person or a good father but all I can do is do what I can do." I glared at him but it wasn't hateful. It was disappointment that how such a man that claimed to be doing something for his kind and his son could just hand me over to the devil that gets joy from peoples suffering. He lied. Even went as far to manipulate his whole clan just to deliver me to him.

My thoughts ran on Ajar and Seth. I could only imagine what they could be fighting over right now. Seth believes he's fighting for his clan and Ajar is only losing more control when he finds out more lies. He even went as far to shut off his humanity and kill me. If he finds out that his father lied about the prophecy and it was all made up to begin with... This could ruin Seth and Ajar. And it'd all be because of me.

I stared at Ajar's father "If I take the throne and raise to your expectations. Would I at least get a favor?" looking away from him, I faced Lucifer directing the question at him and he smiled with glee "If you do, you can have all the favors you could ever dream of." I could feel chills run down my spine and I nod in response "Than I'll take the throne. I will be your queen of hell but only under a few conditions." Lucifer nods "Name them." I stand in front of him with confidence, fully aware of what I have for my conditions "When I raise to the throne, Ajar stays out of this. You wanted me and you got me. Ajar will remain out of this. Second condition, I want everyone's memories to be erased of my existence. I want it to be as I never existed." Lucifer smile widened and turned to Ajar's father with question "Micane, it seems my daughter's favor is to erase everyone's memories. How do you plea?" I looked to the man's name I finally knew; only hoping he would understand this was for the best but my hope was soon short lived "No! The deal, was my son would be freed from your hatred! I sided with you many years to ensure that deal falls through!" Lucifer showed no emotion. He stared at Micane like he was a joke. A toy he once had but became useless as time went on "Now, why would I free the son that my dear, died wife sent for me?" my attention focus back on him "You said, any favor that I wanted!" he shot me a glare "Yes. Any favor. I'm afraid me and your mother had unfinished business when she died at my hands." putting his hand on the statue, where a women I hardly knew stood.

Favor or not, I felt I was being played. Either way I looked at it, I'd lose. Being the queen of hell was something I never thought I'd be or become. But if I had to lose I want at least one person to win. I have to make sure Ajar got out of whatever Lucifer had planned. I knew I already I was a lost cause, it made no sense to make Ajar one as well. I look at Lucifer and began to beg "I'll do whatever you ask of me. Just let Ajar go. Let him live peacefully without me. And I swear, I'll become whatever you ask of me. I'll become the daughter you need me to be. If you only AND just only, if you leave Ajar alone." Lucifer smiled grew bigger and more welcoming to the idea "Well, if you want this. I'll grant it. Only if you abandon your old life and embrace this one by really accept who you are. A celestial being with powers that you can only imagine and what other people wish they had." I looked at him confused "What? I don't know how to do that. I have memories of my old life. I've lived it. I can't just abandoned it like I never had it." Micane stepped in "Actually, your father can help you with that. Upon accepting becoming the Queen of hell, you'll be accepting your birth right and rightful known heir to the throne. Doing so, you also get your memories erased allowing you to become your truest and most purest self. The daughter of the devil." I glared at him "So, I didn't have a choice. My memories would have been erased anyway when I accepted my birth right."

"Fiona." Lucifer said annoyingly "I said, I'd grant your wish. I'm a man of my word. Trust me, you have nothing to fear from me. Though I may have killed your birth mother. I wouldn't kill my daughter." I almost laughed at that "You won't kill me because you know I can't die. I've experienced death and on the other side, you told me that." he smiled cunningly "It's true. You can't die but that doesn't make you untouchable. There are far worst things that can befall those who lives forever." I rolled my eyes "I don't care about the rules of life. Right now, as long as Ajar is safe. That's all that matters. You can take my memories and make me into whatever you want. They'd be worthless to the Queen of hell anyway." Lucifer clapped his hands and waved them making a fire like bubble appear "Spoken like a true Queen of hell. Now, step into the bubble." I looked at the bubble burning with flames and he smiles once again "Don't worry, you won't burn. Once you step into that bubble. You'll be burning away any ties to your old life and accepting your new one. Once your out of it, you won't even remember who you once were. Just the one you are now."

I felt myself swallow my fear. This is was beyond just me now. I had people I had to protect and I couldn't just sit back and watch everyone risk their lives to save mines. Seth, who would protect his kind knows this day would come. Though he doesn't know the truth I don't hate him. I loved him. Even Ajar, the one that protected me the most...had more blood on his hands since he's met me. His life turned upside down since and I can't keep making him suffer. Not while knowing how I feel for him. I probably was better off dead but I couldn't die. The laws of nature wouldn't let me.

As I took a step towards the bubble, the doors swung open in a quick motion revealing Ajar and X at it's opening. Ajar held a gun and so did X in his hand. Ajar began walking forward closes being followed by X "Fiona, I need you to walk over to me." I looked at him confused but also happy to see him "Ajar, what are you even doing here? What is X even doing here?" before he could answer Micane stepped in front of my view, angry "You fools! Why do you keep disobeying wherever I turn?!" X respond but not so happily "Nice to see you too, Dad. I see you see kept the family in order while me and Roman were gone." I looked at Micane's back and gasped. X was Ajar's brother and the son to this bastard?

Ajar shouted "Now is not the time! Micane, don't you see what your doing?! Your nothing but a puppet!" Micane argued. fighting to justify his reasons to his sons "You won't understand. Everything I ever done, have been for this family. Since your mother died, I had to make some demands that I didn't like. Protecting my sons was my number one priority. X and Roman were old enough to remember when your mother died but her death was caused by werewolves. Since then, I had to protect my sons and my people. But when Fiona's mother did her spell, she choose my boy. Ajar as a way to help her end a war she tried to stop when she gave birth to her own daughter. When I learned you was part of a war that wasn't yours. I made a deal with Lucifer." Ajar grew more angry "I don't care!! I'm in love with her. That's what I know and all I care about right now." My ears shot up at the mention of Ajar confessing his feelings to his father. In that moment I felt a need to run to him, to tell him he couldn't do this, that he had to forget me if it wanted to live a peaceful life. But instead, I moved from behind Micane and looked into Ajar's eyes "For days, I wondered if I'd ever hear those words.. I wonder if you even hated me-No, I honestly thought it'd be easier if you did when I had to do what I had to do. For some time, I didn't know what that was but now I do." Ajar stares at me confused but still held his father at gun point "Fiona, I promise we can talk about your heroics later and how mad I'll be that you was dumb enough to get yourself caught. But now is not the time. Right now, I need you to walk towards me." Thoughts of him going this far for me bothered me. He needed to leave. He had to get away from her because that's what he needed to do if he really valued his life over mines. I glared at him "No. I'm not going anywhere with you." his face crescent with worry "Fiona! You can be mad at me later but I need you beside me right now!" I rolled my eyes "Ajar, do you remember that night when you told me 'you were just a meeting gone wrong'? Back then, I didn't know what that meant but now I know why you said it." I looked at him with love that was just as bittersweet as our situation "That night you walked away because you already knew the fate that would have befallen us. I was too dumb to realize it back then but I understand it now. Our meeting had to happen but not for us to be together." the tears began to fall without me knowing and the look on Ajar's face said it all. It was begging me not to do what I was going to and I could only smile as Lucifer grabbed me back; throwing me into the bubble of fire. The last thing I could master out of mouth as Ajar screamed my name was "I'm sorry..." as complete darkness sunk in.

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