POV Ajar: Humanity & The Guilt

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Seth is hot on my heels, as me and Magnolia walks into the house "What are we going to do now? She's gone! Who knows want she'll do while she's out there!" I turned to Seth sharply, stopping him in his tracks "I honestly don't care. She can do what she wants and I'll do what I want." Seth grows annoyed "Your only saying that because your humanity is off. Do you honestly believe that you'd say that if you had them on?!" I shot back but this time I'm more pissed off "I don't care, what I would have said if I had them on! Nothing you say is going to change my mind on how things are now! What do you think I am, some type of hero?!" Magnolia steps in "Enough! Arguing isn't getting us anywhere. The fact is, Fiona is gone. What we should be doing now, is worry about the prophecy coming true or not. We should be with the clan debating our next move." Seth saddens "Magnolia, we are the only ones that knows the devils daughter. No ones knows about this besides us." Seth stops himself, to look at me. I can tell he wasn't true if he could say what he wanted with me present, so I gave him a smile "You can say it. The only person who knows this is even happening right now is my father and a selective few. I'm sure he already told half the clan already what I did and what's going on." Seth walks away from us and went to grab his rifle and began to walk towards the door but Magnolia blocked him before he got far "And where do you think your going?"

"I'm going after her, Mag. Ajar is in no position nor in his right mind and you don't even like her. Everything lays on me again because everybody is to childish to help. So once again, I'm left to clean up a mess you guys created." Magnolia fires back with a sense of position and hostility "Now wait a damn second. You think it's because we're too childish?—It's because your too prideful to ask for any. You walk around with your know it all attitude and your heroic complex to even notice that your the one that pushes people away. You always think you have all under control and that you have everything figured out. But you just can't face the fact that your just weak and your just not enough."

I laughed, finally someone said what everyone was thinking but I could have cared less if he accepted the fact or not. But the look on his face was filled with pure agony and regret. It felt good to see him that way for once.

He turned to me angry "And what your laughing at?" I replied to him with bore "Just the fact that your still here and acting like you know everything. Do yourself a favor and just turn it off." Seth looked at me shocked and he stepped towards me "What did you say?" Confusion rained over me as I felt something tightened in my chest "I—I—" I was cut off by a overwhelming sense of pain. I fell to my knees in agony and pure heat of what was going on. I look up to Magnolia "What's happening!?" I asked as I held my chest, Magnolia ran to my side in speed all while in panic "I don't know what's happening!" She looked to Seth who also was at my side "I think it's Fiona. Something probably happened." He got up while Magnolia began to carrying me.

"What you think could be wrong?! What could have happened in a matter of just half an hour?!" Seth face twist with anger and sadness "I think the vampires have gotten to her. It wouldn't take a genius to discover what's really going on. They probably caught her but we won't know for sure until Ajar does." Magnolia puts me down on the couch in the living room, as Seth steppes in front of me knowingly "Ajar, I know your feeling pretty damn good right now without your humanity but you need to turn them on. I need you to feel." I held my chest angrily but the pain didn't subside "Why should I? They can kill her for all I care!" Seth looks at me honestly "Your angry. That's good. That's emotion." He grabs me face to focus on him "You want the pain to stop right? Well I need you to turn it on. Focus on her. Focus on all the feelings and emotions you been trying to deny yourself since you met her. I won't ask you to ignore them anymore. Feel them."

And that moment I got swallowed into darkness. I could feel my complicated emotions surfacing and my memories playing back. There are flickering pictures of Fiona and every moment we had up till now. Even the one where I killed her. I winced on the memory. I knew she was still alive but the horror of what I did to her burned into me like the flames her father wants us to take over.

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