POV Fiona: The Truth

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He tied me up. He locked me in. And all I could see was nothing but the dark room.

The door opened, as a see a tall, middle age man walk in. He was handsome and well dressed. He had this way about him that just tied everything he was, in one. Powerful. Stronger.

I pulled at my chains and he laughed "Don't bother. I would have thought my son taught you better to not rise your expectations." A look of surprise crossed my face in a instance, and my heart tightened "Your... Your Ajar's father?.." he pulled up a chair and sat down right in front of me. He nod slowly, in a boring yet controlled manner "Yes, but he probably wouldn't like you calling me that. He has considered me everything else but that." While glaring daggers at him, I tried pulling at my chains again but nothing changed "I don't want to hear your family history. Your son wouldn't be so different from you now. He flipped his switch. So keeping me won't have him run back to you."

He began to laugh hysterically "I didn't capture you because of my son. You are the devils daughter! You have quite the target on your back to us vampires. Your only here so I can finish a deal I made a long time ago." I could almost laugh as he sat there staring at me but I could feel all my insides burning. I began to look around, I noticed the veins in my body started glowing like lava. However, I felt no pain. Ajar's father looks at me impressed "This is indeed incredible. I always knew that Lucifer's daughter would rule the flames of hell but this is rather pleasing. Seeing the flames just growing off you." He got up and I watch him move about the room with a smug smile on his face. I felt the urge to slap him but I knew by the way he took over the room that he didn't plan on that happening. Call it a gut feeling but I knew there was something I was missing. Something that wasn't making sense.

"What do you want from me?" I asked honestly. The flame on my body wasn't calming, I could only assume it was because this man didn't give me a very 'welcoming' feeling. He turned to face me "In all honesty, I wanted to just hand you over to your father but now this is personal. I just want you far away from my son as possible."

And there it was, that stabbing feeling when the man you love family won't accept you. I just never knew it'd happen so soon. So much has happened this pass week and some days and I can't help but feel mostly responsible. However, now I got the father of the guy I like telling me he would love nothing more than to get rid of me..

"I could see why you'd feel that way. I haven't been the most acceptable match for Ajar." he laughed but looks at me amused "You think this has to do with love? Ha! My dear, you couldn't be more wrong. This has nothing to do with love. But I will admit it is part of the problem—You see, because of what my son feels for you. He plain out attacked me in my own home. And if my son can attack his own father in his own home. Makes me think who would he choose if it came down to you and his own kind?" I glared at him "You can't blame me for something I had no idea happened! You have no idea the hell I had to face. I lost my family and friends in one night! I mean, your a vampire! Your literally living in a dynasty of riches and fame. I have nothing! So, if you want someone to blame for Ajar's actions, blame yourself!"

The smile that was once there was replaces by a hateful glare "Ajar was never meant to meet you. He wasn't even suppose to know you exist but because of your unforgivable actions, of your hotheaded father; your mother last act to destroy me was my own son!" I stared at him confused, until a knock on the door cleared through the room. A man entered "Sir, we got a call from your son. He wants to come home but we told him, he shouldn't. We made it clear that your busy but he refuses to accept that you can't be busy for your son. What should we do, sir? I'm sure he is on his way." Ajar's father looked upset "He must know we have the girl. It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out. Get more guards and close the gates. Everyone must refuse entry for Ajar Felon. He must not get through those gates. That's an order."

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