POV Ajar: A Sexy Red Dress

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I look in the mirror. If anyone could say I looked good, I'd be damn near handsome as the devil himself.

As I go to grab my phone, my Dad walked into the room "Where are you going?" I look towards him, putting my phone in my pocket and rolled my eyes. Lately, my old man has been on my back none stop. It's starting to get annoying "Old man, what's your deal, huh? What did I do wrong?- You've been closing me for two weeks straight. I'm starting to feel like a bat in a cage." throwing on my shoes he replies with confident words of reinsurance "You're my son, Ajar. The next heir to the Vampire Council. Your becoming of age and there are still things you don't know.." he saddens "I'm just trying to look out for you, son.." I look at him angry "Don't do that." He looks at me with general confusion "What are you talking about?"

I felt I could snap.

"Don't act like you've been a good father. I got use to it, when you played it in front of company. But, when we're alone. Drop the act." I walk passed him, making it clear for him to hear "There's enough fakes already, as it is."

As I walked out of my mansion, I see Magnolia playing with her hair at the first gates. Lifting her head up, she spots me and in vamp speed, approached me "A fight with your Dad?" smiling mischievously, while asking the question. I pushed her aside and began to walk "It's not cool to eavesdrop in on people's conversations." She's walks by my side "I have vampire hearing, Ajar. You of all people know, we can't turn that off."

One of the times, being human wasn't so bad. When people talked, you wouldn't hear what people said about you or others. It showed we wouldn't have to actually care, instead of pretending we don't.

Magnolia's hand grips my arm, stopping me in my tracks. I look at her "What?" she smiles "Instead of going to our regular, yet boring clubbing palace. Let's go to a new one." I smiled, turning to her putting my hands in my jeans pocket "Okay. Where to?" She digs into her leather jacket and hands me a piece of paper.

"It's X's brother's new reclaimed club." I look at her questionably, unfolding the paper "You still hang out with X?" she laughs at the question "Well duh, Ajar. He is a vampire too, ya know." I look at the paper, where it clearly says in neon colors 'Club: SEEK THE NIGHT.' I nod, handing her back the paper "Just because he's a vampire too. Doesn't mean I want to hang with him." she rolled her eyes taking the paper back "Whatever. He seems cool enough. Plus, I hear this rumor that he wants to turn this girl he likes." She shrugs like it wasn't a problem. Plus I didn't care. But Seth would.

"I bet your brother would kick X ass for having that train of thought." she laughs, nodding in agreement "He sure would. He's just like our Dad in that way. Always putting the Council agreement first." I laughed with her as we make our way to the club.

As we got there, we were greeted by familiar faces and some members of the Vampire Council. Well, I'm at the bar, Magnolia breaks off to go chill with some friends.

As I'm about to take a sip of my drink, X sat next to me "Well, look what the bats dragged in. Ajar Felon- SOON to be one of the leading Vampire Council members." I faced him, only seeing him with a proud smug face "What do you want X?" making me feel even worst for asking the question. The bartender lays out a bowl of cherries and X took one "Nothing much really, just came to brag about the two hot girls that came with me tonight. Think you might know'em." He smiles but I wasn't taking pleasure in the fact, knowing someone I know was here "Do you enjoy being a dick, Xavier?" He is no longer smiling "I would prefer you stuck with X, Ajar." bringing up my glass, I smiled "So, where is the two hot girls I 'might' know." X went back to his normal playboy smile "Their right over there!" as he yelled over the loud speakers.

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